Solid Organ Transplant Special Interest Group


Mission and Goals

The Solid Organ Transplant (SOT) SIG is for members of SPP who have shared interests in pediatric end stage organ disease and solid organ transplantation.  These interests include clinical work, research, and program development, and encompass heart, liver, kidney, lung, multivisceral, and other solid organ transplants. The goals of the SOT SIG are to:

  • Promote evidence-based care and sharing of novel treatment approaches among pediatric psychologists working with pediatric transplant populations.
  • Disseminate relevant evidence-based resources, including presentations, peer-reviewed publications, reports, resources and tools.
  • Encourage and mentor students, trainees and early career professionals to be the next generation of leaders in the pediatric psychology field.
  • Educate clinical professionals about the psychosocial issues which may affect the child or family along the transplant journey.
  • Encourage multidisciplinary collaboration among professionals serving children, adolescents, and young adults with end stage organ disease and solid organ transplants.


Sample research articles:

  • Duncan-Park, S., Danziger-Isakov, L., Armstrong, B., Williams, N., Odim, J., Shemesh, E., ... & Annunziato, R. (2022). Posttraumatic stress and medication adherence in pediatric transplant recipients. American Journal of Transplantation, 22(3), 937-946.


Elizabeth Christofferson, PhD (Co-chair)
Children’s Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Courtney Smith, PhD  (Co-chair)
Norton Children’s Medical Group, University of Louisville School of Medicine

Jorgia Wilson, MS (Trainee Representative)
Graduate Student, Nova Southeastern University

Kara West, PhD (Student Chair)
Postdoctoral Fellow in Solid Organ Transplant, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia


SPP invites members with a shared interest to consider joining one or more Special Interest Groups (SIGs) by logging into the Member Portal and going to "Join a SIG/RIG/Affinity Group" on the dropbox.