About The Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP) Membership

Help build our mission

SPP works to actively promote the health and psychological wellbeing of all children, youth, and families. The Society has over 2500 members who have a demonstrated interest in and/or are actively engaged in practice, research, teaching, administration, or study in the field of pediatric psychology. SPP is Division 54 of the American Psychological Association.  

The Society’s goals are to: 

  • Recruit, engage, develop, and retain a diverse and inclusive membership. 
  • Promote quality education and career development opportunities for pediatric psychologists and trainees. 
  • Support and disseminate evidence-based research and practice in pediatric psychology. 
  • Become a trusted leader advocating for the health and wellbeing of children, adolescents, and families.  

There are many ways to be involved in SPP including joining a Special Interest Group, Affinity Group, or committee; leadership and mentorship opportunities; being an abstract reviewer; and/or becoming a liaison to other organizations.

Member benefits

Membership Dues

  • $125 for psychologists, physicians, or allied professionals at or below the doctoral level.
  • $50 for international and retired professionals.
  • $25 for actively enrolled psychology students, including undergraduate students and graduate students, or trainees in post-doctoral training.

Members and non-members of the APA can join Division 54.

Membership Renewal

There are two ways to renew. APA members renew through the APA renewal process. Non-APA members renew through this website.