2016 Annual Conference
Welcome to SPPAC 2016
You are invited to attend the Society of Pediatric Psychology 2016 annual conference. Our invited speakers will represent the diversity of our members’ interests, including interdisciplinary collaborations in clinical care and research, working with culturally diverse youth, and application of evidence-based interventions across a variety of settings. Join your colleagues and share your exciting research and clinical collaborations. Read the full welcome letter from our conference co-chairs here.
Conference Overview
This annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP), Division 54 of the American Psychological Association, highlights top research and practice in the field of pediatric psychology. Heavy in continuing education and networking, this is the premier avenue for those who study and practice in the field.
For more information about the conference, and to register, please click here!
Continuing Education Information
There are 14 scheduled hours of Introductory to Intermediate level CEs for psychologists offered at SPPAC 2016, with additional CEs available for those who attend the preconference and lunch-and-learn workshops. If you are interested in receiving CE credit for approved sessions, you will need to follow all instructions below:
You must scan your badge at a self-service kiosk provided outside of the door of each CE approved session, BOTH at the beginning and at the end of the session.You must be present for at least 85% of the session in order to receive credit. Percent of time present in the room will be determined by the time in/time out stamp from scanning. Thus, if you do not scan in OR out of the room, or scan into the room late and/or out of the room early, no CE credit will be granted for that particular session.
You must fill out evaluations for all sessions for which you would like to claim CE credit. You will receive an electronic link to the program evaluation form for each available session. This link will be sent automatically to the email that you used to register for the conference when you scan into a CE session. Please note that, although the link will be sent immediately upon scan in, there could be a “relay” delay if wifi and/or cellular service is not available. In this case, you will receive the email as soon as you are back in wifi/cellular range for picking up email. It is up to you to complete an evaluation for each session that you attended if you wish to receive CE credit. Participants will have 2 weeks following conference adjournment to complete all evaluation forms. After that time, the links will be deactivated and you will no longer be able to complete the program evaluation form(s) or claim CE credit. There will be no exceptions to this.
During the conference, you can log into the SPACC User Portal at any time to check your accrued CE points and see pending activities (e.g., evaluations that still need to be completed for sessions attended). Please be sure to take care of any pending items within the 2 week post-conference window!
After the conference, you can log into the SPPAC User Portal at any time to view and download any CE certificates that you earned for participation during the conference (i.e., 85% attendance via scan in/out and completed
evaluation within 2 weeks of the session).
The Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54 of the American Psychological Association) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Society of Pediatric Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.
Please remember: In order for SPP to maintain approval to sponsor continuing education, partial credit cannot be given. Participants must:
- be present for the entire session; and,
- complete the associated evaluation form in order to receive CE credit.
Participants are responsible for scanning using a self-service kiosk both in and out at the door of each CE session being offered and for submitting their completed evaluation form immediately upon receipt of the electronic link.
For questions or concerns related to continuing education, please contact Dr. Jennifer Verrill Schurman, SPP Member-at-Large for Continuing Education.
SPPAC User Portal
Click here to login into the SPPAC User Portal. You can use this portal to update personal information for your conference badge before the conference, check your pending evaluation list during and immediately after the conference, and print CE documentation for SPPAC 2016 at the conclusion of all conference activities. Your username will be the email address you used to register for the conference. If you have forgotten the password you during your first login, please contact the SPP Administrative Officer to ask that your password be reset.