Call for nominations : Div. 54 officers

Considering running for upcoming open seats for president-elect and member-at-large – membership.

The Society of Pediatric Psychology is accepting nominations for candidates to run for the following offices on the Board of Directors. Elections will be held in spring 2014, and successful candidates will begin their terms of office on Jan. 1, 2015.

To be eligible to run for any of the Executive Committee positions listed below, the candidate must be an APA member.

  • President-Elect

The president-elect shall be a member, fellow or voting associate member of the Society elected for a term of three years during which he or she will serve as president-elect, president and past president. As president, the individual will lead the society by assuming ultimate responsibility for all ongoing programs, by leading the development of new directions; maintaining relationships with other organizations; speaking for the society in personal and public communication; and appointing all committees, liaisons and other offices of responsibility. He or she shall preside at all meetings, shall be the chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall perform all other usual duties of a presiding officer. Several duties begin during the president-elect year and extend through the presidential year. The past president chairs the Committee on Nominations and Elections and Nomination and Review Committees for several awards among other duties during the final year of the term.

  • Member-at-Large – Membership (2015 – 2017)

The member-at-large – membership (MAL-membership) shall be a member, fellow or voting associate member of the society elected for a term of three years. During his or her term, she or he shall be a member of the Board of Directors with the right to vote. The MAL-membership shall chair and oversee the SPP Membership Committee; encourage, facilitate and administer the membership efforts for the division; monitor SPP membership numbers, including recruitment of new members and retention of existing members; maintain and distribute a supply of updated membership brochures and information about membership both in print and on the division’s website; work with the student representative on membership initiatives; and serve as the liaison to the special interest group chairs.

For each position, 10 nominations must be received for each candidate by Jan. 5, 2014. Self-nominations are encouraged. Individuals who previously served as officers of the old “section” are not prohibited from running for office in the division. To nominate a candidate, send an email to with the word “Nomination” in the subject line.

For more information about specific officer duties, please see the SPP’s bylaws (PDF, 408KB).