Call for student research award applications

We now are accepting applications for student awards and grants.

By David Janicke

Below are announcements for three SPP sponsored grants to support future or ongoing research, as well as one award to honor completed research.


The Marion and Donald Routh Student Research Grant

Div. 54 (Society of Pediatric Psychology) has established this annual research scholar grant program for current student members of SPP in full-time psychology graduate programs (i.e., graduate students or interns) conducting research under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Research proposals should address areas consistent with the field of pediatric psychology. Please note that the available funding has been increased for the 2015 award. Funding is available up to $5,000. Up to $500 of the award can be allocated in the budget to support conference travel. As in previous years, one winner will be selected. However, a second place award of up to $1,000 will provided to the runner-up to support their proposed study.

Please see the Marion and Donald Routh Student Research Grant page for complete eligibility criteria and information on how to apply for this grant.

Mary Jo Kupst Trainee Grant for Research in Resilience

This award was initiated to honor Mary Jo Kupst, PhD’s career contributions. This grant is designed to help facilitate trainee research that will provide a novel contribution and advance the field of pediatric psychology specifically in the area of resilience and/or family functioning. A yearly award of up to $1,000 is available to any graduate student, intern, or postdoctoral fellow who is a member of the Society of Pediatric Psychology. Please see the Mary Jo Kupst Trainee Grant for Research in Resilience page for complete eligibility criteria and information on how to apply for this grant .

Lizette Peterson-Homer Injury Prevention Grant

This grant is open to students and faculty to support clinical research related to the prevention of injuries in children and adolescents. Funding is available up to $5,000 and is sponsored jointly by APA Div. 54 and the American Psychological Foundation. Please see the Lizette Peterson-Homer Injury Prevention Grant page for complete eligibility criteria and information on how to apply for this grant.


SPP Student Research Award Competition

Div. 54 (Society of Pediatric Psychology) announces its Annual Student Research Award competition to encourage and reward quality research on issues related to pediatric psychology and health care of children. This award is for completed research. An award of $1,000 will be made to the winner of the competition. All of the research work must have been completed while the candidate was a graduate student, intern, or postdoctoral fellow. The student must be the primary (first) author. Please see the SPP Student Research Award page for complete eligibility criteria and information on how to apply for this award.

Application deadline for all awards is Oct. 1, 2015. All applications should be submitted as a single PDF and emailed to David M. Janicke; Telephone: (352) 273-6046