APA and Division 54—Washington, DC

2011 APA Convention schedule and Division 54 program

By Anna Maria Patiño-Fernández
The 119th APA Annual Convention will be held in one of our nation’s most beautiful and historic cities—Washington, DC. Convention programming will take place in the Washington DC Convention Center, with additional sessions and events scheduled in the Renaissance Marriott Hotel. Over the four-day meeting, programs will be scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. SPP has a first-rate program of symposia, workshops, and paper presentations, as well as a poster session highlighting our division’s research.
Highlighting important areas in our field are symposia on parent and family factors in the treatment of pediatric chronic pain, presented from an international perspective, and assent and consent in pediatric research. A paper presentation will focus on pediatric psychologists’ roles in school, primary care, and clinic settings. Several skill-building sessions are scheduled, including topics such as behavioral health and pediatric primary-care service integration, integrating mindfulness practices into psychotherapy, and integrating issues of diversity into research. In addition, Divisions 37 and 54 will sponsor a symposium presenting public health strategies to enhance positive parenting research and programs. Be sure to attend the poster session, presidential address, and awards ceremony.
Of interest to many of you, APA President Melba J.T. Vasquez, Ph.D., will highlight the subject areas and work of her presidential task forces: immigration, racism, and educational disparities. There is a great line-up of speakers/presenters on these issues, including some Division 54 members!
Each session is sure to provide a great deal of information and opportunity for discussion. Continuing education (CE) credits will be offered for most presentations—check the final APA program for CE sessions offered through Division 54. New this year, you can earn unlimited CE credit for one single fee. You can save even more by taking advantage of the Early Bird fee ($50 for members, $80 for nonmembers) when you register for the convention. Please note that CE Workshops, 4- or 7-hours in length, are not included.
As in years past, Divisions 54 and 53 will host Internships/Fellowships on Parade on Saturday. This is an excellent opportunity for students to network and gather information on internships and postdoctoral fellowships in child clinical and pediatric psychology. In addition, our Hospitality Suite will offer several informal discussions, student programming, SIG meetings, and social hours that should interest both students and professionals alike. This forum gives individuals the opportunity to discuss pertinent pediatric psychology issues in an informal setting. Refreshments will be available to attendees.
The terrific programming would not be possible without the time and effort of our reviewers. This convention promises to provide a variety of stimulating presentations, interaction with colleagues across the country, access to excellent museums, nightlife, shopping, and cuisine.
See you all in DC this August!

Division 53/54 Hospitality Suite – Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel

Thursday August 4, 2011
9–10 a.m. 
D54 Adherence SIG Meeting Open to all SPP members.
2–3 p.m. 
D54 Diversity SIG Meeting Open to all SPP members. 3:30–5 p.m. D53: A Look Inside the Dissemination of the EBT Video Project Open to all SCCAP members.
Friday August 5, 2011
1–2:30 p.m. 
D54 Student Advisory Board Meeting SPP SAB members discuss future directions. All SPP members welcome.
2:30–3:30 p.m. 
D54 Early-career Discussion Students and early-career psychologists are encouraged to learn about tips for success.
6–7 p.m. 
D53 Social Hour Join the celebration of Distinguished Career Award winner, John Lochman, Ph.D. Open to all SCCAP members.
7–8:30 p.m. 
D37/D53/D54 Student Social Hour Informal opportunity to meet, socialize, and network withother student members and leaders in the field. Open to all.
Saturday August 6, 2011
1–2 p.m. 
Diversity in Research Discussion Join D54 Diversity Committee members as they discuss methods for highlighting diversity in research projects and reporting of results.
2–3 p.m  
D54 Adolescent and Young Adults with Chronic Health Conditions SIG Meeting Open to all SPP members.
7–8:30 p.m. 
D54 Social Hour Open to all SPP members.