Call for 2017 SPP Travel Award Applications
The SPP Student Travel Awards are available for students who are members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology and who are first author of a poster or paper to be presented during Division 54 programming at the APA Convention or at any Division 54-sponsored regional or national meeting. Only current graduate students are eligible for these awards. Up to eight awards of $1,000 will be given to help offset costs of travel. Eligibility includes pre-doctoral interns. To apply, please submit the following as one complete PDF document to Dr. Eleanor Mackey at by January 31st: (1) a one- page cover letter including your name and e-mail address, your current training institution, your primary mentor on this submitted project, information detailing the name, dates, and location of the conference, a statement confirming your Division 54 membership status, and information on any other sources of travel funding for your convention participation; (2) copy of your original proposal submitted to Division 54; and, (3) your current curriculum vitae.