Call for SPP Student Awards
C. Eugene Walker Education Award in Pediatric Psychology
The C. Eugene Walker Education Award is available to any graduate student, intern, or postdoctoral fellow who is an SPP member and enrolled in a training program involving substantial instruction in pediatric psychology. Award funding may be used to present a post- er, paper, or other leadership activitity at an educational function, with preference given to SPP or APA meetings. One or more awards may be made up to $1,000 each.
SPP Student Travel Awards
The SPP Student Travel Awards are avail- able for SPP student members who are first author of a poster or paper to be pre- sented during Division 54 programming at the APA Convention or at any Division 54-spon- sored regional or national meeting. Only cur- rent graduate students are eligible for these awards. Up to four awards will be given to help offset costs of travel. To apply, please submit: 1) curriculum vitae; 2) copy of your original proposal submit- ted to Division 54; and 3) a cover letter con- firming Division 54 membership status and outlining any other sources of travel funding for your convention participation.