Division 54 at the 2013 APA Convention
This year’s agenda includes symposia on a broad variety of topics including evidence-based treatment in pediatric populations and new ideas for treatment delivery in pediatric psychology.
By Susan R. Patton, PhD
The 121st APA Convention will be held Wednesday, July 31 through Sunday, Aug. 4 in beautiful Honolulu. Enjoy the convention and make time to sightsee, explore the stunning beaches and parks of Oahu, and join friends and colleagues for a night out on the town.
Division 54’s exciting program is composed of top-notch posters and symposia that were selected from blinded review by members of the division. The program offers innovative presentations geared toward clinicians, researchers, educators, and trainees.
This year’s agenda includes symposia on a broad variety of topics including evidence-based treatment in pediatric populations and new ideas for treatment delivery in pediatric psychology. Featured symposia include, “APA and BET Networks Partnership: Using Media as a Platform to Address HIV Disparities Among Youth,” chaired by Scyatta Wallace; “eHealth and Motivational Interviewing for Adolescents and Emerging Adults,” chaired by Sylvie Naar-King; and “Integrated Primary Care Pediatrics: The Future Is Here,” chaired by Doug Tynan.
We will host two poster sessions to showcase faculty and student research with diverse populations across clinical, school, and primary care settings. Posters of particular interest include: “Underestimation of Fertility Risk among Families newly Diagnosed with Adolescent Cancer,” “Parent-focused Intervention for Improving Academic Outcomes in Children with Sickle Cell Disease,” “Emergency Department Utilization in Urban Children with Asthma: Family-level Predictors,” and “Does Type of Video Game Influence VR Distraction Effects During Cold Pressor Tasks?”.
Continuing Education (CE) credits will be offered for selected symposia presentations — stay tuned for details.
Division 54 continues to have an outstanding and strong reputation for student involvement. We will continue to host student programming, social events, and informal sessions in the Division 54 hospitality suite. We will partner with Division 53 for a joint social hour and the annual Internships/Postdoctoral Fellowships on Parade event. These events allow opportunities for trainees and professionals to network, socialize, and gather information relevant to research and clinical practice.
We hope you plan to join us for a terrific convention in Honolulu. Look for the schedule of events in the next issue of Progress Notes.
A hui hou kakou!