International Speakers at SPPAC
Since 2014 we have had an international keynote speaker at the yearly SPPAC. Below you can find an overview of these keynote speakers and their associated talk:
SPPAC 2020; Dallas (held online)
International keynote speaker: Dr. Jennifer Stinson, RN-EC, PhD, FAAN is a Mary Jo Haddad Nursing Chair in Child Health Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences; a Nurse Practitioner at the Chronic Pain Program at The Hospital for Sick Children and a Professor at Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Canada.
Title: Harnessing Digital Health Technologies to Promote Pain Self- Management in Young People
SPPAC 2019; New Orleans:
International keynote speaker: Dr. Rikard Wicksell is an Associate Professor of Psychology and a clinical researcher at Karolinska University Hospital and Adjunct Lecturer and research group leader at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
Title: Building Resilience to Chronic Pain and Distress by Improving Behavioral Flexibility in Children and Parents
SPPAC 2018; Orlando:
International keynote speaker: Dr. Martha Grootenhuis, PhD, Professor of Pediatric Psychology in the Department of Pediatrics at University of Amsterdam, Head of the Psychosocial Department at Emma Children’s Hospital AMC in Amsterdam, and research group leader in Psycho-Oncology at the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Title: Real World Implementation of Patient Reported Outcomes in Pediatric Clinical Practice
SPPAC 2017; Portland:
International keynote speaker: Dr. Christine Chambers, PhD, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Children’s Pain and Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Psychology & Neuroscience at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Title: Implementation Science and Pediatric Psychology: From Evidence to Influence
SPPAC 2016; Atlanta:
International keynote speaker: Deborah Christie, PhD, professor of pediatric and adolescent psychology and consultant clinical psychologist/clinical lead for pediatric and adolescent psychological medicine at University College London Hospital’s NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom.
Title: Taking the Psycho out of Psychosomatic: Using a Collaborative Model with Young People with Chronic Illness and Medically Unexplained Symptoms
SPPAC 2015; San Diego:
International keynote speaker: Vicki Anderson, PhD, pediatric neuropsychologist, director of Clinical Sciences Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and a professorial fellow in the Departments of Psychology & Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Title: Can Advances in E-health Technology Enhance Outcomes for Children with Brain Injuries and their Families?
SPPAC 2014; Philadelphia:
International keynote speaker: Christopher Eccleston, PhD, professor of psychology and director of the Centre for Pain Research at The University of Bath, United Kingdom.
Title: The Trials and Tribulations of Evidence Based Pain Management