SIG Poster Award Winners
Special interest groups awarded several poster awards at the 2013NCPP.
Student Poster Award Winners
Title: A Pediatric Obesity Intervention For Rural Youth: Effects on Quality of Life
Authors: Marilyn Sampilo, Kimberly Canter, Ann Davis, & Kelsey Dean
Title: The Relationship among the Built Environment, Weight Status, Caloric Intake, and Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Rural Children
Authors: Megan Cohen, Bridget Armstrong and David Janicke
Title: Understanding the Stressful Challenges of Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes Management in Caucasian and Hispanic Youth
Authors: Alyssa Lee and Deborah Wiebe
Title: Cognitive-Behavioral Pain Management to Improve Daily Activity Levels in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease
Authors: Alyssa Schlenz, Jerrrey Schatz, Catherine McClellan and Carla Roberts
Title: Parent-Child Behavioral Interaction during Pediatric Immunizations in a Latino Sample
Authors: Ifigenia Mougianis, Alvina Rosales and Lindsey Cohen
Title: Utilization of Pediatric Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): Impact of Ethnicity, Parent Education & Family Income
Authors; Chinsun (“Jin”) Lee and Nicole Vincent
Complementary Integrative Medicine SIG
Melissa Pielech, Boston Children’s Hospital
Nicole Vincent, Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Amanda B. Feinstein, Georgia State University
Pain SIG
Daniel Strotman, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center
Jessica Fales, Seattle Children’s Hospital
Maggie Bromberg, University of North Carolina
Gastrointestinal SIG
Jamie Ryan, Oklahoma State University and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital