Differences of Sex Development Special Interest Group

Mission and goals

The terms “Differences of sex development” (DSD) or “Variations in Sex Traits” (VST) refer to a diverse group of congenital conditions that involve uncommon variations in the chromosomes, gonads, or genitalia. These conditions are often identified prenatally or in the newborn period when atypical reproductive/sex anatomy is observed, or through genetic testing. They may also be identified later, when pubertal development is delayed or different than expected.

Pediatric psychologists may work with patients and families around the following issues to help promote positive outcomes:

  • Distress related to diagnosis and/or medical interventions
  • Stigma associated with having an anatomic difference
  • Considerations related to sex assigned at birth
  • Shared decision-making regarding medical intervention
  • Sharing information and educating children in a developmentally-sensitive manner about their diagnosis and its implications
  • Support for parents and youth in considering sharing information with others
  • Counseling parents, adolescents and young adults about sexual function and fertility.
  • Screening for co-occurring mental health concerns

The DSD SIG is interested in (a) understanding the needs of youth with these conditions and promoting awareness and support for those needs, (b) developing expert and consensus-driven best practice models of pediatric interdisciplinary care, (c) integrating cultural competence into care models, (d) promoting opportunities to learn didactics and ethical considerations relevant for optimal care, (e) identifying high priority areas for research and supporting cross-site collaborations, and (f) developing pediatric psychology training opportunities to ensure access to competent psychological care for this population.


Jennifer Hansen-Moore, Ph.D., ABPP
Nationwide Children's Hospital/The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Currently Vacant
Education and Training

Kristina Suorsa-Johnson, PhD
Primary Children’s Hospital/University of Utah School of Medicine
Case Series and Interim Education and Training Chair

Canice Crerand, PhD
Nationwide Children’s Hospital/The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Tyler Beeston
University of Utah/Primary Children’s Hospital
Student Representative

Alex Britt, BS
Primary Children’s Hospital


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