Palliative Care and End-of-Life Special Interest Group

Mission and Goals

The Palliative Care and End-of-Life Special Interest Group (SIG) promotes the interests of students, trainees, and professionals in pediatric psychology with clinical, research, education, and advocacy interests in pediatric palliative care (PPC), end-of-life care, and grief. We aim to address the unique clinical challenges and learning needs of pediatric psychologists through the goals of:

  • Awareness: We promote awareness among SPP members about the breadth and depth of PPC, the growing roles for pediatric psychologists within PPC, clinical practices, policies, research, and more.
  • Research: We promote professional development and evidence-based practice by disseminating the latest interdisciplinary PPC research to SIG members, coordinating collaborative research efforts, and seeking and sharing opportunities for SIG research to be showcased within and outside of SPP.
  • Networking and Collaboration: We facilitate cross-institutional communication about program development and infrastructure, in order to promote increased integration of psychology into palliative care services across the nation.
  • Education and Training: We promote and offer specialized learning opportunities within PPC and end-of-life care (e.g., webinars, continued education, etc) for professionals across the career span and support students and trainees in their professional development as future pediatric psychologists and PPC providers.
  • Self-Care: We provide a supportive network of professionals working with critically ill and dying children, as a means of promoting self-care as a professional competency.

For additional information and resources related to the SIG, please visit our SIG website. Contact us by emailing
Also, please check out the Division 54 Fact Sheet on Palliative Care and Grief/Bereavement.


Kelsey Largen, PhD, SIG Co-Chair
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta






Linda Radbill, PhD, SIG Co-Chair
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

MAL, Education and Training:
Michelle Brown, PhD
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
Shari Langer, PsyD

MAL, Research:
Heather Adame, PhD
Pediatric Psychologist, MUSC Children's Health
Heather Bemis, PhD

Communications Chair:
Jill Majeski, PsyD

Student Reps:
Perry Catlin
Carolyn Humphrey
Kimberly Ecker, MS


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