2014 midwinter executive board meeting highlights

The board had a productive two-day meeting in Santa Fe, N.M., in January and is excited to share this information and welcomes your thoughts and feedback.

By Avani Modi, PhD
The board had a productive two-day meeting in Santa Fe, N.M., in January and is excited to share this information and welcomes your thoughts and feedback.
The Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC) planning went well for Philadelphia with a record high number of registrants (over 600). The 2015 conference will be held in San Diego.
Tim Wysocki is leading a Workforce Studies Task Force, which will enable understanding of the types of jobs, salaries and support Div. 54 member have.
Div. 54 is exploring new website options to enhance our capabilities and the division’s needs, including SIG space.
Ann Davis has been working with Div. 54 special interest groups (SIGs) to find ways to meet their needs, including discussions about conference meeting space and having website space to communicate with SIG members.
Our journals, Journal of Pediatric Psychology and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology are doing well with several special issues on the horizon, including a joint special edition on evidence-based treatments.
The newly created Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology Training Council met at the 2014 SPPAC. The council’s goal is discuss training across all levels (e.g., graduate students, interns, postdoctoral fellows) within the child/pediatric psychology field. 
This was the first year that Div. 54 award winners (Tonya Palermo, Amy Lewandowski Holley and Bryan Carter) gave talks at the SPPAC instead of APA. 
There was much discussion about ways to increase support for Div. 54 trainees, including giving students $20 back at the SPPAC registration and increasing grant dollar amounts and the number of student grants. Please be on the lookout for upcoming changes to the student grant awards.