2015 APA Convention update
A preview of Div. 54’s program offerings at the 123rd Annual APA Convention in Toronto.
By Chad D. Jensen, PhD
The 2015 Annual APA Convention will be held in beautiful Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from Thursday, Aug. 6 through Sunday, Aug. 9. We invite Div. 54 members to attend the APA Convention to enjoy the new collaborative program focus of the conference. Collaborative programming brings together experts across APA divisions to address cross-cutting issues in psychology.
I am excited to report that Div. 54 is involved in six collaborative programs, accepted through a competitive review process by APA’s central programming group. Collaborative programs co-sponsored by Div. 54 include:
- “Mental Health and Wellness in LGBTQ Youths and Young Adults”
- “Best Practices in Longitudinal Data Analysis: Making Complex Theory Accessible”
- “Integrated Primary Care for At-Risk Children: NICU Follow-up and Foster Care”
- “From Research to Practice to Public Consumption: The Role of Psychology in Disseminating Psychology”
- “A Quantitative Evaluation of New Fatherhood: Implications for Policy and Practice”
- “Hurting From the Inside Out: Identity-Based Bullying among Adolescents”
Additionally, Div. 54 has an exciting program of outstanding symposia, skill-building sessions and panel discussions selected through blind review by members of the division. Featured programs include:
- “ Making A Difference: Moving Child Health Research Off the Shelf and Into Practice,” chaired by Christine Chambers, PhD
- “ Translating Basic Behavioral Science into New Interventions to Reduce Pediatric Health Disparities,” chaired Sylvie Naar-King, PhD
- “ Development of an Evidence-Based IOP Program for Pediatric Eating Disorders in the Medical Setting,” chaired by Kelsey Lattimer, PhD
Continuing Education (CE) credits will be offered for selected presentations – stay tuned for details. We will also be hosting a poster session to showcase innovative research.
Div. 54 programming at the APA convention provides numerous opportunities for student involvement and mentoring. We will host a paper session entitled Outstanding Student Research in Pediatric Psychology, highlighting student research that was highly rated by our panel of reviewers. Also, back by popular demand, we have organized a speed mentoring event for students and trainees. Additionally, we will partner with Div. 53 for a joint social hour and the annual Internships/Postdoctoral Fellowships on Parade event. These events allow opportunities for trainees and professionals to network, socialize, and gather information relevant to research and clinical practice.
We hope you plan to join us for an outstanding Annual Convention in Toronto. Look for a full schedule of events in the next issue of Progress Notes.