2019 50th Anniversary History quiz
Participate in the 50th Anniversary SPP History Quiz!
Before the 2019 conference in New Orleans, SPP members participated in a quiz to celebrate the 50th anniversary of SPP. Here are the questions, answers, and other bits of information to satisfy your curiosity!
Part 1 (pre-conference) questions:
- What year was SPP founded? (1969)
- What founding pediatric psychologist was a co-author (with Albert Bandura) on studies of children’s imitation and modeling of aggression with the Bobo clown? (Dorothea Ross)
- What founding pediatric psychologist made frequent appearances on the morning news programs such as the Today Show to dispense child rearing advice? (Lee Salk)
- What pediatric psychologist owned a chain of restaurants? (Logan Wright)
- Who was the first editor of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology? (Diane Willis)
- Who were the first co-editors of Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology? (Jennifer Schroff Pendley & Douglas Tynan)
- Who was the first editor of the SPP Newsletter (Gail Gardner)
- Where was the first pediatric psychology conference held in 1987? (Cleveland, OH)
- How much were SPP annual dues in 1968? ($5!)
- The title “father of pediatric psychology” is usually attributed to… (Logan Wright)
- What was the name of the newsletter that became JPP? (Pediatric Psychology)
- What year did the University of Florida host is first child health psychology conference? (1988)
- Who edited the first edition of the Handbook of Pediatric Psychology? (Don Routh)
- What developmental psychologist wrote about collaboration between pediatricians and psychologists in 1965? (Jerome Kagan)
- What pediatric psychologist wrote the seminal paper in the American Psychologist entitled “The Pediatric Psychologist: A Role Model”? (Logan Wright)
- How many psychologists joined SPP in its first year? (97)
- When did SPP official become a Division of APA? (2000)
- Who was the original publisher of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology? (Plenum Press, March 1979; prior volumes were privately printed by SPP)
- Who was the first woman to serve as President for SPP? (Diane J. Willis, 1976-1977)
- Why was the initial color for JPP blue? (Don Rourth arranged for it to be printed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, so arranged for the blue cover)
- Which successful myster writer was initially a pediatric psychologist? Jonathan Kellerman
Part 2 Questions:
- This question asked to choose some past presidents of SPP, see them all at: https://societyofpediatricpsychology.org/past-officers
- In what APA Division what SPP initialy a section? (Division 12)
- Who was the first to publish an article about clinical practice in a pediatrician’s office? (Carolyn Shroeder)
- How many editions of have there been for the Handbook for the Practice of Pediatric Psychology (as of 2019)? (five!)
- What was “adherence” called in the early years of pediatric psychology? (compliance)
- When receiving the 1990 Distinguished Service Award from the SPP, Gary Mesibov reflected on three unique, or “special” characteristics he identified within the field of pediatric psychology. These include: (the field’s practical application to tackle difficult human needs, the field’s multidisciplinary approach, and the character of pediatric psychologists he has worked with throughout his career)
- Who edited the Handbook for the Practice of Pediatric Psychology in 1982? (June M. Tuma)
- Which topic has been most published in JPP? (Cancer)
- Who edited a two volume set entitled, Psychological Management of Pediatric Problems in 1978? (Phyllis Magrab)
The quiz may be repeated someday, so keep your eyes out and join the fun!