Call for Student Advisory Board Applications

Society of Pediatric Psychology

APA Division 54

Society of Pediatric Psychology

APA Division 54


Call for Student Advisory Board Applications

The Student Advisory Board (SAB) consists of 13 trainees selected to represent the student membership within the Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP; Division 54 of the American Psychological Association). The SAB operates under the leadership of the Student Representative, and is comprised of four subcommittees: Community Outreach & Service, Student Programming, Membership, and Communications.

The overarching mission of the SAB is to advocate for students and trainees. Together, we strive to create a vibrant learning community that treats trainees equitably and respectfully. Our responsibilities include identifying critical areas of need, coordinating student-directed programming, and amplifying student voices. Additionally, SAB members collaborate directly with the SPP Board of Directors on strategic initiatives, such as the Presidential Social Justice Task Force, and HBCU Outreach.

Serving on the SAB typically requires a commitment of 2-5 hours of work per week, although this may vary based on project demands throughout the year. Members participate in monthly virtual meetings and attend the annual SAB Business Meeting at SPPAC. Collectively, the SAB plays an integral role in shaping the professional community within SPP and contributing to the future of pediatric psychology.

The SAB is now accepting applications for six open positions:

  • Student Representative
    1. Chair of the SAB and Member of the Board of Directors
  • Community Outreach & Service Committee 
    1. COS Co-Chair
  • Communications Committee 
    1. Podcast Co-Chair
    2. Podcast Co-Chair
  • Membership Committee 
    1. NCR Co-Chair
  • Student Programming Committee 
    1. Mentorship Chair 


SAB Composition

Benefits of Joining the SAB

Several benefits come with joining the SAB. All SAB members receive a waiver covering the student rate for early registration to the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC). Members also benefit from professional networking opportunities with experts and emerging leaders in the field of pediatric psychology. SAB members gain transferrable skills in leadership, management, and strategic planning. Importantly, these benefits have enriched the training experiences of many members and contributed to notable professional success. Over the last few years, we have been proud to see SAB members present their work in Professional Development Sessions, Scientific Symposia, and successfully match to top internship and fellowship sites across the country.


To be eligible to join the SAB, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Active Division 54 student membership.
  • Applicants must be at or above their 2ndyear of doctoral studies for the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Applicants must notbe eligible for graduation from their program until after their term is complete in December 2026
  • Applicants must be enrolled in a CPA/APA-approved graduate program in professional psychology with an interest and specialty in pediatric psychology.


Application Review and Onboarding Process

Application Deadline

Friday, August 16th, by 11:59 pm (CT).

Application Materials

Applicants will be asked to provide the following: 

  1. Complete theSAB Member Application Survey.
  2. Provide a copy of your CV with contact information (Upload)
  3. Describe what aspects of pediatric psychology interest you (Open text)
  4. Applicants are encouraged to rank theirtop 3 committee and role preferences.
  5. Provide a brief cover letter with the following information: 1) explain why you are interested in joining the SAB, 2) describe your committee and chair preferences, and 3) explain how you would contribute to that specific role (Upload)
  6. Communicate any aspects of diversity (broadly) related to your application and interest in serving on the SAB (Open text).
  7. Provide the name and contact information for one professional reference.


Application Review, Candidate Selection, and Onboarding

The current Student Representative and SAB Members will review the applicant’s eligibility, CV, cover letter, and survey responses to rate each applicant along the following criteria: Research, Clinical, Involvement, Leadership, and Diversity. Consideration will also be given to self-reported characteristics and the strength of professional references. Three (3) SAB members will review each application. Reviewer scores will be averaged to generate an overall score. The Student Representative and SAB members will rank applicants by their overall scores, considering open positions and best fit. The Student Representative will then share the top applicants with the Current and Incoming SPP Presidents. The Student Representative and Current and Incoming Presidents will discuss these applicants, considering their preference for how to serve (e.g., which Committees), and make final decisions.

SAB members hold two-year terms, from January 2025 through December 2026, with a transition to the position beginning in September 2024. For applicants who receive an invitation to join the SAB, offer notifications and onboarding will be staggered. Applicants applying for the Student Representative position will receive notifications and onboarding instructions in September 2024. For remaining SAB positions, notifications and onboarding instructions will begin in October 2024. Applicants who rank the Student Representative role in their top 3 choices will receive separate notifications for each position. For questions, feel free to contact


SAB Photo Archive

SPPAC 2024 – New Orleans, LA

Midwinter Meeting 2024 – Milwaukee, WI

APA 2023 – Washington, DC

SPPAC 2023 – Chicago, IL

Midwinter Meeting 2023 – Denver, CO