APA and Divisions 53 and 54 – Conference Programing- Honolulu 2013

Several exciting presentations and opportunities for CEUs at the upcoming APA Convention in Honolulu.

By Susan R. Patton, PhD
The 121 st annual APA Convention will be held July 31-Aug. 4 in beautiful Honolulu, Hawai’i. Convention programming will take place in the Hawai’i Convention Center, with additional sessions scheduled in the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort. Over the five-day meeting, programs will be scheduled from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., leaving plenty of time to visit the many historic and natural treasures located on the island of Oahu.
Div. 54 has a first-rate program comprised of eight symposia and two poster sessions highlighting research across a variety of topics relevant to pediatric psychology. SPP programming begins at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 31, and ends mid-morning on Sunday, Aug. 4. Featured symposia will cover new ideas for treatment delivery, evidence-based treatments, and emerging areas of research.
On Aug. 3 at 2 p.m., Michael Rapoff will deliver his presidential address and our 2013 SPP awardees will be honored. This year’s awardees are Kristoffer S. Berlin (Routh Early Career Award in Pediatric Psychology), John M. Chaney (Martin P. Levin Mentorship Award), Scott W. Powers (Logan Wright Distinguished Research Award) and David J. Bearison (Lee Salk Distinguished Service Award). We are delighted that Scott Powers will present “Pediatric Migraine: From Genomics to Nation-wide Clinical Trials.” At 3 p.m., the Div. 54 Business Meeting will be held and Michael Rapoff will give his “State of the Division Address.” The Business Meeting is open to all Div. 54 members.
Also, on Saturday, from 5-7 p.m., Divs. 53 and 54 will host the annual Internships and Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Programs on Parade, a great opportunity for students to learn about internship and fellowship opportunities while networking and socializing with others in the field. Finally, to end the night, a social hour will be held in the SPP hospitality suite from 7-8 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.
While attending the convention, please be sure to socialize and network with fellow SPP members in Div. 54’s hospitality suite located in the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort. Events planned in the hospitality suite this year include a session introducing the new Division 54 YouTube Channel, the Student Advisory Board session entitled, “Navigating Life After Graduate School,” featuring a panel of early-career faculty who will be available to share their experience post-training, and Divs. 54, 53 and 37 student social hour.
Continuing Education (CE) credits are available for six SPP symposia. Attendees can purchase unlimited CE credits for a nominal fee ($90 members, $120 non-members). Please see the APA website for additional details.
Our terrific SPP programming this year would not be possible without the input of members who submitted their proposals and the time and effort of our reviewers. This convention promises to provide an opportunity for stimulating presentations, networking with colleagues from around the world, and access to beautiful landmarks, vibrant nightlife, unlimited shopping, and fine dining.
See you in Hawai’i this July. Aloha!
The Program Committee would like to thank the following pediatric psychologists who served as Division 54 proposal reviewers:
  • Amy Bauhcum
  • Kris Berlin
  • Richard Boles
  • Jennifer Butcher
  • Hanna Carpenter
  • Mark Connelly
  • Sian Cotton
  • Ann Davis
  • Dawn Dore-Stites
  • Kimberly Driscoll
  • Emily Fredericks
  • Michael Harris
  • Kevin Hommel
  • Chris Houck
  • Lisa Ingerski
  • Cynthia Karlson
  • Jessica Kichler
  • Elizabeth Kuhl
  • Matthew Myrvik
  • Eve-Lynn Nelson