Division 54 at the APA convention

This year’s agenda includes symposia on a broad variety of topics including interventions, psychological treatment and assessment, quality of life, and treatment adherence

By Amy Lewandowski, PhD

The 120th APA Convention will be held August 2 – 5 in Orlando, FL. Enjoy the APA conference and make sure to plan for some time sightseeing, visiting one of the many internationally famous attractions, and joining friends and colleagues for a night out on the town.

Division 54’s exciting program is composed of topnotch posters, symposia, and skill-building sessions that were selected from blinded review by professionals in pediatric psychology. The program offers innovative presentations and hands-on sessions geared toward clinicians, researchers, educators, and trainees. This year’s agenda includes symposia on a broad variety of topics of particular interest to pediatric practitioners including: eHealth interventions, psychological treatment and assessment, quality of life, and treatment adherence. Exciting symposia include “Lessons Learned from Implementing eHealth Interventions” and “Craniofacial Conditions: Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Issues.”

The program also includes skill-building sessions that combine theoretical and experiential approaches to the treatment of common pediatric conditions. Heather Yardley, PhD and colleagues will present a skillbuilding session where participants will learn current approaches to treating obsessive compulsive disorder in pediatric populations. Tonya Palermo, PhD and colleagues will lead a second skill-building session that provides hands-on training in conducting psychological assessment and delivering psychological techniques for pediatric chronic pain management.

We will host two poster sessions to showcase faculty and student research on a broad range of topics including treatment adherence, health-risk behaviors, and quality of life in pediatric psychology. Student poster award winners will be recognized during this session.

Continuing Education (CE) credits will also be offered for selected presentations—stay tuned for details.

Division 54 continues to have an outstanding and strong reputation for student involvement and we will continue to host student programming, social events and informal sessions in the Division 54 Hospitality suite. At this year’s convention we will partner with Division 53 for a joint social hour and the “Internships/Postdoctoral Fellowships on Parade” event. These events allow opportunities for trainees and professionals to network, socialize, and gather information relevant to research and clinical practice.

We hope you plan to join us for a terrific convention in Orlando. Look for the schedule of events in the next issue of Progress Notes.