Divisions 53/54 Hospitality Suite
Schedule for the Division 53/54 Hospitality Suite at APA in Honolulu.
Wednesday, July 31
5-6p.m. D54 Neonatology Special Interest Group
Host: Steve Lassen, PhD
Open to all D54 members interested in learning more.
Thursday, August 1
8:30-9:30a.m. D53 Emerging Adulthood Special Interest Group
Host: Mary Fristad, PhD
Open to all D53 members interested in learning more.
11a.m.-12p.m. D54 Obesity Special Interest Group
Host: Marilyn Stern, PhD
Open to all D54 members interested in learning more.
1-2p.m. A Look Inside effectivechildtherapy.com
Host: Mitch Prinstein, PhD
Join us for a look at the D53 website for the dissemination of evidence-based treatments. Open to all.
2-3p.m. Volunteer with D53
Host: Marc Atkins, PhD
Join us for an informative and informal discussion of ways to get involved in D53. Open to all D53 members.
3-4p.m. D53 Speed Mentoring
Hosts: Davi LaKind, Tony Vesco, and Michelle Roley
An opportunity for students to speak with experienced clinical child and adolescent psychologists.
Friday, August 2
10-11a.m. D54 YouTube Channel-A New Frontier for CE
Host: Mike Rapoff, PhD
Join us for an introduction and preview of the new D54 YouTube Channel. Open to all.
4-5p.m. Navigating Life after Graduate School
Host: Jen Lee, MS, D54 Student Representative
Join Robin Everhart, PhD, Lisa Ingerski, PhD, and Erica Sood, PhD, for a discussion about the post-doctoral fellowship and job seeking process from an early career psychologist’s perspective. Open to all.
5-6p.m. D53 Business Meeting
Host: Marc Atkins, PhD, D53 President
Join us for an update of the current activities of D53.
Open to all D53 members.
6-7p.m. D53 Social Hour
Host: Marc Atkins, PhD, D53 President
Join the celebration of Distinguished Career Award Winner,
Catherine Lord, PhD. Open to all D53 members.
7-8p.m. D53/D54/D37 Student Social Hour
Hosts: Davi LaKind, Jen Lee, Sara Stromeyer, Tony Vesco
Informal opportunity to meet, socialize, and network with other student members and leaders in the field. Open to all.
Saturday, August 3
12-1p.m. D54 Diversity Special Interest Group
Host: Elizabeth Pulgaron, PhD
Open to all D54 members interested in learning more.
7-8 p.m. D54 Social Hour
Host: Mike Rapoff, PhD, D54 President
Open to all D54 members after Internships on Parade.