Journal of Pediatric Psychology highlights
A review of 2013 and special issues with 2014 deadlines.
By Grayson N. Holmbeck, PhD
I am pleased to report that we again exceeded 300 new manuscript submissions for 2013! Also, in 2013, we published two special issues: “Adherence in Pediatric Medical Conditions” (guest edited by Lori Stark, PhD, in issue 6) and “Innovative Treatment and Prevention Programs for Pediatric Overweight and Obesity” (guest edited by David Janicke, PhD and Ric Steele, PhD, in issue 9). We also published 3 systematic reviews (issues 7 and 8), four “Pioneers in Pediatric Psychology” papers (issues, 1, 2, 3 and 7), one topical review (issue 10), one commentary (issue 7), two editorials (issue 1) and three “awards” papers (issue 2). We also published 72 regular articles.
Also, three new “Calls for Papers” were distributed via the Division 54 listserve and in recent issues of JPP . One of these is a special issue on Direct Observation Research in Pediatric Psychology (to be guest edited by Tim Wysocki, PhD), one focuses on Peer Relations in Youth with Chronic Illness (to be guest co-edited by Vicki Helgeson, PhD & Grayson Holmbeck, PhD), and the other is on Resilience in Youth with Chronic Illnesses or Developmental Disabilities and their Families (to be guest edited by Marisa Hilliard, Korey Hood, Laura Nabors, and Elizabeth McQuaid). Submission due dates for these special issues are Feb. 1, 2014; March 1, 2014; and Dec. 1, 2014, respectively.
I am delighted to report that, in issue 2 in 2014, we will publish a special issue on Statistics and Quantitative Methods (guest edited by Bryan Karazsia and Kris Berlin). Also ongoing is a special issue on Evidence-Based Interventions in Pediatric Psychology (guest edited by Tonya Palermo, PhD). One exciting feature of this special issue is that it will be published simultaneously with a related special issue in the Society of Pediatric Psychology’s new journal, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology ( CPPP; guest edited by Bryan D. Carter, PhD).
I would like to remind readers about our new “Topical Reviews” submission option; these reviews are meant to be brief up-to-date reviews on the latest hot topics in our field. The format for this submission mechanism is described on our web site (see “Instructions to Authors” link below). Specifically, topical reviews summarize contemporary findings, suggest new conceptual models, or highlight noteworthy or controversial issues in pediatric psychology. They are limited to 2,000 words, contain no more than 2 tables or figures, and have an upper limit of 30 references. Supplementary online material (e.g., additional tables) may be considered on a case by case basis.
As always, I want to thank the associate editors for their remarkable work (Dean Beebe, John Lavigne, Tonya Palermo, Lori Stark, Ric Steele and Tim Wysocki) and Susan Wood for her excellent work as the editorial assistant for the journal.
For any type of manuscript, see the instructions to authors and submit papers . If you have feedback or questions, please contact me .