NCPP 2013 Poster Award Winners

Several NCPP 2013 poster winners are announced.

Following are poster award winners from the 2013 National Conference in Pediatric Psychology in New Orleans.

Poster Award Winners

Title: Electronic Diary Momentary Pain Intensity Ratings Mediate the Association Between Sleep Quality and Functional Disability in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthris

Authors: Maggie H. Bromberg, MA; Mark Connelly, PhD; Kelly K. Anthony, PhD; Karen M. Gil, PhD; and Laura E. Schanberg, MD 
University of North Carolina
Title: Blood Pressure Across Time and Associations with Metabolic Control and Known Risks in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes 
Authors: Amy Hughes, Cynthia Berg and Deborah Wiebe 
University of Utah 
Title: Parental Monitoring as a Buffer against Age-related Differences in Glycemic Control (HbA1c) in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes 
Authors: Elizabeth M. Robinson, MS; Rusan Chen, PhD; Katy E. Maher, MS; Adrienne P. Borschuk, MS; Laura J. Caccavale, BA; Zach Radcliff, BS; Anil Kumar, MD; Randi Streisand, PhD; and Clarissa S. Holmes, PhD 
Virginia Commonwealth University
Title: Discrepancies in Fertility Risk Perceptions and Communication Among Providers and Adolescents Newly Diagnosed with Cancer 
Authors: Jessica L. Simmons, Kathryn M. Russell, Kristin E. Canavera, Gina M. Sabbatini and James L. Klosky 
St. Judes Research Hospital 
Title: The role of Overweight Perception and Depressive Symptoms in Child and Adolescent Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors: A Serial Mediation Model 
Authors: Sarah C. Westin, Bridget Armstrong and David M. Janicke, PhD 
University of Florida