News from the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Ric G. Steele, Ph.D., ABPP
President, American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Greetings from the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology!  As a Specialty Board associated with the areas of Pediatric and Clinical Child Psychology, ABCCAP strives to reflect and represent the expertise that you bring to the field.

This year has been particularly eventful, with movement toward the recognition of sub-specialty certification within and across ABPP specialty areas.  Of particular relevance to SPP members, ABCCAP has joined with other specialty boards to develop Special Interest Groups for Sleep, Primary Care, and Addiction.  Wendy Ward has been the ABCCAP Liaison to the Sleep and Primary Care subspecialty board SIGs, and Omar Gudiño has been the Liaison to the Addiction SIG.  Over the next several months, these SIGs will be working to outline the next steps in the identification and certification of sub-specialties in these areas.  If you are a current board certified specialist in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, please look for an invitation from ABPP to participate in one or more of these SIGs.  

ABCCAP has also been pleased to be a co-sponsor of the development of the Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology Training Council (CCaPPTC).  Like training councils in other specialty areas, (e.g., Health Psychology), the goal of CCaPPTC is to promote the advancement of graduate and postgraduate education and training within the field. The inaugural meeting of CCaPPTC was held at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology in September.  Please visit for more information about the training council, and about how you can be involved. 

Board certification in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology has continued to grow at a very healthy rate throughout 2016.  We congratulate the following psychologists who have been recognized as meeting Specialty Board Certification requirements over the past few months:

Heather Agazzi, PhD

George F. Blackall, PsyD

Courtney L. Fleisher, PhD

Kathleen A. Ingman, PhD

David L. Jaquess, PhD

Vanessa K. Jensen, PsyD

Mary E Rooney, PhD

Nicole F. Swain, PsyD


If you are interested in pursuing Board Certification in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, please visit our website,  There you will find our ABCCAP Exam Manual which provides details of the process of board certification.  Please feel free to contact any of our Board of Directors at for more information.