Peds CL Practitioner Resource Bank for Inpatient Pediatric CL Assessment Instruments, Intervention Protocols, Policy and Procedural Documents
Make sure to check out or contribute to the Consultation Liaison SIG resource bank
By Suzanne Thompson, PhD, and Bryan Carter, PhD
The CL SIG is pleased that our online resource bank is up and running, and growing ever larger! Please feel free to check it out. Access to the Peds CL SIG Resource Bank is available to Div54 members via email to Bryan Carter, PhD, the Site Administrator.
Once we verify your Div54 membership, you will be sent a unique username and password to access the website.
We welcome submissions by SPP members. Resource bank submission can include the following:
- Assessment Instruments – Developing and sharing measures for key assessment domains (coping, adherence, illness knowledge, symptoms, pain, self-management competence, family functioning, risk assessment, etc.).
- Intervention Protocols – Peds CL clinicians and researchers submitting treatment protocols, therapeutic tools, patient handouts, clinical forms, etc. This could spur more research on these protocols, ideally at multiple sites.
- Digital Resources – Identifying (and developing) useful applications (apps) and digital resources (e.g., videos); identify (and encourage the development of) useful websites for patient information and education, as well as clinician education and training, etc.
- Quality Improvement Procedures and Measures – identifying strategies and tools for QI projects (e.g., confidence ratings completed by physicians and other staff members); developing ways to demonstrate that we are effective and valuable to the institution (e.g., medical cost offsets/reimbursement models).
- Business of Practice Information – Categorizing reimbursement models, identifying pros and cons of each, and how might we better collaborate as a group to advocate for the more adaptive models that make our profession and services economically viable now and in the future.
- Forms and Documents – e.g., consent, video releases
- Practice/Advocacy Materials
- Training Protocols – syllabi and tools, e.g., discussion of how we integrate with psychiatry, pediatrics, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, etc., and their training programs; developing “best practice” models for training that could be adopted by other institutions; training tools CL psychologists can employ with medical students, medical residents, nursing, etc., to identify core curriculum goals, modules and teaching strategies, e.g., labs.
Submissions: Div. 54 members should submit documents and materials in support of this project via email . We look forward to seeing you at the CL SIG meeting in Philadelphia!