
SPPAC 2021

By Christopher Cushing, Ph.D.
SPPAC 2021 Conference Chair

and Emily Law, Ph.D.
SPPAC 2021 Conference Co-Chair

Members of SPP,

There will be an annual conference in 2021! Details are still emerging about the format, and we anticipate a detailed announcement in August. Visit the conference online for more information.

At this point, we can tell you some exciting changes to the process. Our goal is that SPPAC 2021 will have diversity, equity, and inclusion at its core. With that in mind, we have formed a new Scientific Program Committee whose members were nominated by the SPP Board of Directors. Each member was selected for their unique and well-honed lens on diversity, equity, and inclusion. This group is charged with ensuring that our plenary speakers, symposia, and all scientific programming has the rich diversity of SPP at its core. We think their work is already showing as SPPAC 2021 is starting to take shape! Join us in giving them our deepest thanks.

Gabrielle Banks
Thomaseo Burton
Lori Crosby
Lizzy Pulgaron
Cheyenne Hughes-Reid
Cecelia Valrie
Nadine Kasparian
Yvonne Vance
Celia Lescano
Steven Reader
Chad Jensen (MAL-CE)