Student Advisory Board – Application

Student Advisory Board (SAB): Call for Applications

The SPP Student Advisory Board (SAB) is now accepting applications for seven positions on the SAB. SAB members hold two-year terms, from January 2024 through December 2025, with a transition to the position beginning in October 2023. Each open position requires approximately 4-8 hours of work per month, depending on the role and the time of year.

The open positions are the following:

Advocacy & Service Committee

  • Advocacy Co-Chair
  • Service Co-Chair

Communication Committee

  • Podcast Co-Chair
  • Student Spotlight Chair

Membership Committee

  • Training Program Dissemination Chair
  • NCR Co-Chair

Programming Committee

  • Professional Development Chair


  • Active Division 54 student membership
  • Applicants must be at or above their 2ndyear of doctoral studies for the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Applicants must notbe eligible for graduation from their program until after their term is complete in December 2025.

Application Materials: 

Complete the SAB Member Application Survey by Monday, August 14th at 11:59pm (CT). Within the survey you will be asked to include the following:

  1. CV with contact information (upload)
  2. Describe what aspects of pediatric psychology interest you (open text).
  3. Rank your top 3 committee and chair preferences.
  4. Provide a brief cover letter with the following information: 1) explain why you are interested in joining the SAB, 2) describe your committee and chair preferences, and 3) explain how you would contribute to that specific role (upload).
  5. Communicate any aspects of diversity (broadly) related to your application and interest in serving on the SAB (open text).
  6. Provide the name and contact information for one professional reference.

Application Deadline & Review Process:  

The application deadline is 11:59 pm (CT) on Monday, August 14th, 2023. The SAB strongly encourages applicants who have applied in previous years and students from underrepresented backgrounds and doctoral programs to consider applying. Preference is given to students with leadership experience and those active in pediatric psychology through research and clinical activities. Note that we will aim to choose only one student from a given institution for each committee.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions – you can reach the Student Representative at Thank you, and we look forward to reviewing your applications!

All the best,
SPP Student Advisory Board

Perry A. Catlin, M.S. (he/him)
Doctoral Student | Marquette University
Student Representative | Society of Pediatric Psychology (APA Division 54)