Job Board


The Society of Pediatric Psychology Board of Directors and Communications Committee are excited to announce the rollout of the SPP Job Board!

The Job Board on is now the place to post pediatric psychology job openings at any level. This will include positions at the faculty or licensed psychologist level, as well as positions for fellows, interns, graduate students, or post-baccalaureates. When posting, you can specify:

- Job characteristics such as whether it involves clinical, teaching, administrative duties, and/or research;

- The setting, including whether fully remote, and whether the position is full or part-time;

- Location, position title, and job description which are fully searchable;

- File upload capabilities to allow a fuller representation of the position.

When posting, you will choose a predetermined number of months for the position to remain listed. We will provide an email reminder to posting owners prior to deletion deadline, giving members the opportunity to edit and extend their posting.

Of course, this is also the place for SPP members and non-members to search for available pediatric psychology job opportunities. With this in mind, Job Board highlights include:

- The ability to choose multiple parameters for one’s job search, based on the information noted above;

- Keyword search and filter capabilities, allowing job seekers to cast a broad net or to identify postings that most closely fit more specific interests.

Moving forward, we ask that all job opportunities are posted on the Job Board instead of the Listserv. This transition will reduce Listserv emails and provide less-congested email inboxes for our members! To make sure that jobs remain highly visible, the Communications Committee will post frequently on the listserv (but less often than the myriad job and fellowship postings!) reminding listserv members of the new location for jobs. We will also share about the Job Board on social media, hopefully increasing visibility for positions posted there.

The Job Board is easy to find – just CLICK HERE or look for it in the top navigation on the SPP website.

Posting on the Job Board is only available to SPP members. You must be logged into your SPP account in order to post. However, anyone can view and search for jobs posted here!


We welcome your feedback! Email