Save the Date: APA Annual Convention August 3-6, 2017

Wendy N. Gray, Ph.D.

Save the date for the 2017 APA Annual Convention Thursday, August 3 to Sunday, August 6 in beautiful Washington, DC. The APA convention format emphasizes collaborative programs where two or more APA divisions contribute to interdisciplinary learning.  These are often the most highly attended events at APA and such proposals from Division 54 members are encouraged.

Collaborative program proposals are due Friday, October 14th at 5 pm eastern.  As these proposals must involve three or more other APA Divisions, please contact me ( with your proposal ideas so I can begin making connections with members of other divisions. As program chair, I am also available to assist with developing collaborative programs.

Traditional divisional conference programing continues at the APA convention; the deadline for division-specific program proposal submission is Thursday, December 6th at 5 pm eastern.  Our division is especially interested in proposals that highlight issues of diversity. Other submissions related to pediatric psychology and professional development are also encouraged. Division programming can be for either 50 minutes or 1 hour, 50 minutes and can consist of symposia, skill-building sessions, conversation hours, or poster sessions. Papers submitted individually will be group together as symposia, if possible. However, authors are encouraged to submit their papers along with others as part of a well-developed symposium proposal to increase the likelihood of being accepted.

All proposals must be submitted through the APA convention website:

Begin preparing your proposals now!

I look forward to seeing you all in Washington, D.C. next August.