Urology Special Interest Group
Purpose or Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Urology SIG is to provide the space and opportunity for camaraderie, collaboration, networking, and consultation between psychologists working with pediatric patients with urological disorders.
Our specific goals are to:
- Create a network for sharing or accessing resources beneficial to pediatric urology patients (e.g., via list-serv).
- Identify strategies for promoting equitable access to behavioral health care within urology settings.
- Organize formal opportunities for meetings to further our mission statement.
Co-Chair: Lillian Hayes, PhD, ABPP (Lillian.Hayes@childrens.harvard.edu)
Co-Chair: Jackie Papadakis, PhD (Jpapadakis@luriechildrens.org)
Secretary: Michelle Soohoo, PhD (msoohoo@chla.usc.edu)
Treasurer: Christina Rouse, PhD (rousec@chop.edu)
SPPAC 2023: Please join us at our first SIG meeting, which will be held virtually the week of SPPAC. Specific information on date/time/link will be sent out via the SPP Listserv. Opportunities for the SIG to gather in person at SPPAC will also be organized and announced.
Stay tuned for a link to the SIG’s separate website, currently under development. Additional resources will also be collected and provided in time.
Join the Urology SIG:
Please log into the SPP Member Portal and go to "Join a SIG/RIG/Affinity Group" on the dropbox.