Critical Care Special Interest Group

The mission of the Critical Care SIG is to provide a forum for professional collaboration to facilitate research and advance clinical care aimed at improving the unique psychosocial needs of critically ill patients.

 The goals of the Critical Care SIG are to:

  • Provide networking opportunities to facilitate research and clinical collaborations to advance and share research, models of care, novel treatment approaches, clinical practices and tools specific to critically ill children.
  • Collaborate and liaison with organizations with a similar focus (e.g., Society of Critical Care Medicine, APA Division 22: Rehabilitation Psychology, and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies).
  • Increase awareness about the psychosocial needs of critically ill patients.
  • Develop and disseminate resources for clinicians and families and highlight the growing role of pediatric psychologists in critical care units.
  • Promote collaborative research efforts and support research growth within pediatric critical care populations.
  • Provide education and training opportunities, assessment and treatment resources and clinical materials for professionals working with critically ill patients, and mentorship opportunities for pediatric psychology trainees.

Activities and Resources

The Critical Care SIG hosts regular meetings, quarterly Coffee Chats, webinars, and an annual meeting at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference. Meetings are announced through the SIG email list. To join the e-mail list, please contact the SIG chair listed below.

For additional information and resources related to the SIG, please visit our SIG website.


Kristin Canavera, PhD
Ochsner Children’s Hospital


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