Maureen Lyon, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Children’s National Hospital
George Washington University School of Medicine
Maureen Lyon is Professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences; and Clinical Health Psychologist at the Center for Translational Research at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. Dr. Lyon’s research focuses on advance care planning interventions for persons living with serious illness, including cancer and HIV. Dr. Lyon has consistently examined the influence of religion and spirituality as mediators of patient reported outcomes in clinical outcome trials.
Marie Chardon, PhD
Pediatric Psychologist
Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital
Dr. Chardon is a pediatric psychologist at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. She earned her PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology with a focus on pediatric psychology from the University of Florida in 2019. She completed residency in pediatric psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and continued on there to complete a T32 postdoctoral fellowship in Adherence and Self-Management. Globally, her research and clinical interests pertain to how to best support child and caregiver adjustment to and management of pediatric chronic illnesses.
Lori Wiener, PhD, DCSW
Senior Associate Scientist
National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
Dr. Lori Wiener is co-director of the Behavioral Science Core and Head of the Psychosocial Support and Research Program at the pediatric oncology branch of the National Cancer Institute. As both a clinician and behavioral scientist, Dr. Wiener has developed a robust clinical and research program that has focused on critical clinical issues such as parental coping, lone parenting, transnational parenting, sibling and sibling donor experiences, graph versus host disease, and end-of-life planning. Dr. Wiener has also dedicated a substantial part of her career to applying knowledge from her clinical experience and psychosocial studies to create innovative resources such as books, workbooks, therapeutic games and an advance care planning guide for children, adolescents, and young adults. Each of these resources are distributed worldwide and widely utilized in pediatric centers.
Dr. Wiener proudly led the team that has developed the first evidence-based psychosocial standards of care for children with cancer and their family members. She has published extensively with over 250 publications spanning peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. Dr. Wiener has co-edited the textbooks Pediatric Psycho-Oncology: A Quick Reference on the Psychosocial Dimensions of Cancer Symptom Management and Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multi-disciplinary Care, co-authored a storybook, The Gift of Gerbert’s Feathers, to help children through the psychological and behavioral process of preparing for a natural end of life and very recently co-edited a Special Issue in CHILDREN on Psychosocial Issues in Children and Adolescents Living with a Rare Condition.
Webinar: Spirituality, Religiosity and Child Health
Friday, December 9th 11:00 AM-12:30 AM EST
Avi Madan-Swain, PhD
Presenter #1: 11:05 AM - 11:20 AM
Maureen Lyon, PhD
Religiousness, Spirituality, and Quality of Life among Adolescents Living with a Serious Illness
- Describe the influence of pediatric advance care planning on spiritual quality of life.
- Describe how quality of life and symptoms are influenced by religiousness.
- Describe how religiousness moderates end-of-life treatment preferences .
Presenter #2: 11:20 AM -11:35 AM
Marie Chardon, PhD
Caregiver Religious Coping, Adjustment, and Integration into Clinical Practice
- Discuss caregiver religious coping and posttraumatic responses in the context of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
- Outline strategies for clinical psychologists to conceptualize and integrate religious coping into clinical work within medically complex pediatric populations.
Presenter #3: 11:35 AM - 11:50 AM
Lori Wiener, PhD
Communicating with children about death: Cultural and Spiritual considerations
- Describe children’s spiritual development and concepts of death
- Explain cultural and religious considerations that might impede communication
- Identify interventions that can be used to explore a child’s spiritual life