Student Advisory Board Members
Christina Amaro, BS, University of Kansas
Research and Clinical Interests
My research interests are in the area of pediatric pain, primarily family/caregiver factors in acute pain experiences (e.g., parental modeling of pain behaviors, parent assessments of their child's pain) and sex and gender differences in pediatric pain. I also have an interest in pediatric sleep, specifically examining service delivery models for behavioral interventions for childhood insomnia. My clinical interests are in pediatric psychology more generally, with a particular focus on the treatment of needle and procedural anxiety in children and adolescents. I am excited to begin my involvement with the Student Advisory Board of Div. 54.
Primary Mentor: Christine Chambers, PhD
Christina Amaro, BS, University of Kansas
Research and Clinical Interests
My current research interests include pediatric health promotion, parent and child adjustment to chronic illness, health-related quality of life and peer relations.
Mentor: Michael C. Roberts, PhD, ABPP
Christina Amaro, BS, University of Kansas
Research and Clinical Interests
My research interests are in the area of pediatric pain, primarily family/caregiver factors in acute pain experiences (e.g., parental modeling of pain behaviors, parent assessments of their child's pain) and sex and gender differences in pediatric pain. I also have an interest in pediatric sleep, specifically examining service delivery models for behavioral interventions for childhood insomnia. My clinical interests are in pediatric psychology more generally, with a particular focus on the treatment of needle and procedural anxiety in children and adolescents. I am excited to begin my involvement with the Student Advisory Board of Div. 54.
Primary Mentor: Christine Chambers, PhD
Erin Brannon, MS, Oklahoma State University
Research and Clinical Interests
I am interested in the use of technology for prevention and intervention efforts targeting pediatric behavior change, family factors that influence the development and maintenance of health behaviors and barriers to adherence.
Mentor: Christopher Cushing, PhD and Larry Mullins, PhD
Cyd K. Eaton, BS, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
Research and Clinical Interests
My current research interests include child and family factors related to medical adherence, psychosocial adjustment and transition readiness in pediatric patients with chronic medical conditions. My research has primarily focused on pediatric patients with solid organ transplants and cardiac conditions. Clinically, I am currently working with pediatric patients who have experienced traumatic and life-changing injuries or illnesses and are receiving comprehensive rehabilitative therapies in a multidisciplinary inpatient and day program setting. I look forward to serving on the Student Advisory Board and planning student-oriented programming at future conferences.
SAB Committee: Programming
Primary Mentor: Ronald L. Blount, PhD
Ana M. Gutierrez-Colina, BA, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
Research and Clinical Interests
My current research interests include cognitive and psychosocial predictors of treatment nonadherence, psychosocial adjustment and coping processes in children with cardiomyopathy and their families, transition readiness to adult health care settings and sleep disturbances in pediatric populations. I am excited to join the Student Advisory Board and look forward to serving on the Membership Committee to promote student involvement and participation within Div. 54.
SAB Committee: Membership
Primary Mentor: Ronald L. Blount, PhD
Aimee Hildenbrand, BS, Drexel University, Philadelphia
Research and Clinical Interests
My research focuses on psychosocial and neurocognitive sequelae of pediatric chronic illness (e.g., cancer, sickle cell disease) and acute medical trauma (e.g., injury). I am also interested in developing and evaluating empirically based interventions to promote optimal adjustment for underserved pediatric populations. My clinical interests include family-based cognitive behavioral and acceptance-based approaches for children with chronic health conditions. I look forward to joining the Society of Pediatric Psychology Student Advisory Board and contributing to Div. 54.
SAB Committee : Membership
Primary Mentors : Brian Daly, PhD, and Douglas Chute, PhD
Christina Holbein, MA, Loyola University Chicago
Research and Clinical Interests
My primary research interests relate to learning more about social competence and friendships in children and adolescents with chronic health conditions. I also am interested in measure development, eHealth interventions and executive function in pediatric populations. In my clinical work, I enjoy working with youth with chronic health conditions or injuries and their families to address psychosocial needs as part of a multidisciplinary team and through my role with the consultation-liaison service. I am excited to be serving other student members of Div. 54 in the coming years.
Primary Mentor: Grayson N. Holmbeck, PhD
Jackie Lennon, MA, Loyola University Chicago
Research and Clinical Interests
I am interested in psychosocial, family, and neuropsychological functioning in youth with spina bifida, and related cultural factors; child, parent, and family adjustment to pediatric chronic illness; resilience in pediatric chronic illness populations.
Mentor: Grayson Holmbeck, PhD
Lexa Murphy, MS, Vanderbilt University
Research and Clinical Interests
I am interested in coping, distress, and parent-child communication in families affected by childhood cancer; neurocognitive deficits in youth with congenital heart defects; cognitive remediation in youth with brain tumors.
Mentor:Bruce Compas, PhD
Elizabeth Nicholls, MS, Drexel University
Research and Clinical Interests
I am interested in psychosocial and family functioning in pediatric chronic illness, disability, and injury; medical traumatic stress; caregiver functioning; impact of socioeconomic and cultural factors.
Mentor: Brian P. Daly, PhD
Andrea A. Wojtowicz, MS, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Research and Clinical Interests
I am interested in medication adherence in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); effects of pain on functioning and health care utilization in pediatric IBD; interprofessional collaboration in treating pediatric medical conditions.
Mentor: Rachel Neff Greenley, PhD