Call for Late Breaking Proposals (SPPAC 2021)

Call for Late Breaking Proposals
You want to be at virtual SPPAC (vSPPAC) and we want you there! This call is for late breaking proposals for poster abstracts.
Submit late-breaking proposal here
General Guidelines/Requirements
- The vSPPAC 2021 conference theme is “Understanding Health Disparities and Individual Differences in Pediatric Psychology.” Consistent with this theme and the mission and vision of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, we are especially interested in proposals focusing on the health and psychological well-being of racial and ethnic minority youth. We encourage submissions on the current state of health disparities within pediatric psychology; populations that are underrepresented in pediatric psychology research; social determinants of health; intersectionality & racial equity; partnering with patients and families impacted by racism to identify and implement solutions; systems that create, exacerbate, and/or sustain pediatric disparities; and interventions that aim to reduce pediatric disparities across family, healthcare, and other community settings. We encourage submissions led by racial and ethnic minority trainees and faculty at all levels of career development.
- We also encourage submissions on the study of individual differences in pediatric psychology more broadly, with the goal of disseminating conceptual models, methodologies, and interventions that could be applied to health disparities. We encourage submissions on how individual differences can be studied or change care within the topics of integrated primary care, e- and m-health technologies, neurodevelopmental disabilities, development and evaluation of interventions targeting individuals, families, communities, and broader systems, interdisciplinary collaborations, and modern ethical concerns.
- All proposals will be peer reviewed and must be submitted as poster abstracts.
- Multiple submissions from the same dataset are discouraged. A study divided into small sub- studies is discouraged unless there is clear rationale for presenting various aims in different abstracts.
- Each poster abstract should represent final and original results. Poster abstracts based on ongoing projects will be evaluated in light of likelihood of complete data by the conference. Poster abstracts with complete data are preferred.
- The first author of the poster should plan to register and attend vSPPAC 2021.
Poster Abstract Submissions
Poster abstracts must not exceed 300 words (not including authors and title) and must include the following headings:
- Introduction (background, objective)
- Methods (sample, procedures, measures, analysis)
- Results (primary findings)
- Conclusions (implications)
Author Presentation Limit: Authors are limited to one lead author poster abstract submission. This limit is intended to prevent very large poster sessions and high poster abstract rejection rates.
- January 8, 2021: Abstract Submission site opens (note: you will have to create an account before submitting your proposal): Click here
- February 28, 2021: Submission Deadline for Late Breaking Poster Presentations
- Late March: Notification of acceptance/rejection of submissions
Submit late-breaking proposal here
• For questions about program content contact Christopher C. Cushing, PhD, (vSPPAC 2021 chair) or Emily F. Law, PhD, (vSPPAC 2021 co-chair)
• For questions about conference registration contact Pam Hicks by email or at 913-897-8775
• For questions about poster abstract submission via Easy Chair contact Amanda Morgan
The Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54 of the American Psychological Association) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Society of Pediatric Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.