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Updating Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology Reviewers: Add 3 Keywords

By Jennifer Schurman, Ph.D., CPPP Editor
A new year means that it is time to update our masthead with new Editorial Board members and do a bit of housekeeping with our pool of reviewers. To that end, anyone currently listed as a potential reviewer for CPPP will be getting an email within the next few weeks asking you to update your keywords (otherwise known as personal classifications). Keywords are used routinely to match prospective reviewers with manuscripts in need of reviews. These keywords can be used to denote the fields in which you feel most qualified to review manuscripts, and will help us to provide authors with an improved peer-review experience by maximizing the relevance of reviews while also helping to ensure that you do not receive invitations to review manuscripts that about which you do not feel comfortable commenting.
To help us make the best matches, I will be asking every reviewer to add a minimum of three keywords to their user profile using a deep link in the email that takes you directly to that part of the profile (can I make it any easier/faster?). For those who have already done this in the past, please note that we have recently made changes to the available options to better represent the types of manuscripts we see and the range of expertise of our reviewers. There may be a new keyword or two that you would like to add to what you already have listed or can use to replace something now out of date on your list. For those who have no keywords listed, now is the perfect time to resolve to select at least three before another year goes by. And, if you are not yet a reviewer, but hope to be someday, please send along an email to me with your CV and areas of current interest/expertise, so that we can get you added to our reviewer pool in 2020!
Updates from the Journal of Pediatric Psychology
By Tonya Palermo, Ph.D., JPP Editor-in-Chief
Best wishes to Bryan Karazsia as he transitions out of the role of Associate Editor and a warm welcome to Chad Jensen who started as a new Associate Editor on January 1, 2020!
The last issue of 2019 Volume 44, Issue 10, November/December 2019 featured a special article on the history of JPP to conclude the 50th anniversary year celebrations of the journal. The article provides an historical perspective on JPP written by former and current editors based on their symposium at the 2019 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference.
Historical Analysis: Editors’ Reflections on 50 Years of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Latest Issues
The first issue of the new decade (Volume 45, Issue 1) is now published online, which includes a Featured Article by Jessica Hamilton and colleagues, Higher Rates of Sleep Disturbance among Offspring of Parents with Recurrent Depression Compared to Offspring of Non-Depressed Parents
Christina Sharkey discusses the featured article in more detail in her accompanying JPP student journal club commentary.
Special Issues
Several special issues are underway in 2020:
- Innovations in Pediatric Psychology Assessment (Guest editors: Lindsey Cohen, David Cella, and Lauren Wakschlag)
- Addressing Health Disparities in Pediatric Psychology – coordinated special issue with CPPP (Guest editors: Cecelia Valrie, Melissa Santos, and Idia Thurston)
- Pediatric Research in Young Children (Guest editors: C. Meghan McMurtry, Randi Streisand, and Carrie Tully)
Be sure to consult the Author Instructions prior to manuscript submission.
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Email for journal inquiries tonya.palermo@seattlechildrens.org