Special Interest Group (SIG) Policies, Procedures, and Resources

Purpose of SIGs

The purpose of special interest groups is to facilitate national networking of SPP members in an identified subspecialty, disease or interest area. SIGs are a structural unit of the society and a reflection of the needs and activities of the members. Any member can participate in these groups.

Procedure to establish a SIG

Any group of 10 or more SPP members may apply for the formation of a special interest group. The letter of application (max. two pages) should include the name of the proposed SIG, the description of the proposed activities of the SIG, as well as the names and email addresses of the founding members and leadership.

The SIG Chair should email the letter of application to the membership member-at-large for subsequent approval by the SPP Board of Directors. The membership member-at-large will provide verbal or written (email is sufficient) notification of the decision to the SIG chair.

SIG responsibilities

SIG responsibilities are detailed in the Policies and Procedures for Special Interest Groups. This document provides information regarding establishing and maintaining a SIG, SIG leadership, funding requests, and SIG activities and resources.

Additional resources

Helpful document for SIG Chairs and other SIG leadership:

  1. SIG Policies & Procedures
  2. SIG Annual Status Report (please note that this report will be submitted via Google Forms)
  3. SIG Three-Year Renewal
  4. SIG Funding Request Form (this is a fillable pdf form to request funding)