Save the Date for the Next SPPAC!
By Jessica Fales, PhD (Conference Chair) and Christopher C. Cushing, PhD (Conference Co-Chair)
The 2020 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC) will be held on March 19-21 in Dallas, Texas.
The theme for the 2020 conference is “Pushing the Boundaries: Trailblazing the Next 50 Years of Pediatric Psychology.” The conference will feature skill-building workshops, symposia and invited speakers on important and timely topics relevant to the science and the practice of pediatric psychology, including: integrated health, technological innovations, knowledge dissemination, intervention optimization, modern ethical concerns, intersectionality, and more. The 2020 conference will include targeted programming to meet the unique professional development needs of trainees, early career and mid-career psychologists.
We will solicit proposals for workshops, symposia, professional development programming and poster presentations in July 2019 (now available, see https://societyofpediatricpsychology.org/node/727). Updated conference information will be posted to the Division 54 email list-serve and website. Join us for an exciting conference in Dallas in 2020!
Stay tuned for more information and specific submission instructions
- September 3, 2019: Abstract Submission site opens
- October 1, 2019: Submission Deadline for ALL Oral and Poster Presentations
- Late November: Notification of acceptance/rejection of submissions
The Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54 of the American Psychological Association) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Society of Pediatric Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.