Student Spotlight
The 2020-2021 Pediatric Psychology Virtual Application Cycle:
Trainee Preferences, Outcomes, & Future Directions
Author(s): Sahar. S. Eshtehardi, M.S., Andrea L. Fidler, M.S., M.P.H., Kelly E. Rea, M.S., Clarissa Shields, M.A., MaryJane S. Campbell, M.S., & Caroline M. Roberts, M.S.
The COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges to trainees over the last year, including changes in clinical experiences and training opportunities, transition to remote learning, and disrupted research activities. However, for many trainees, this also resulted in significant adjustments to the interview process, including those for graduate level training programs, internship, and post-doctoral positions. This interview cycle represents a first of its kind widespread switch to this virtual interviewing format. As such, the Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP) Student Advisory Board sought to survey trainees to further understand their interview experience during COVID-19 and to inform future interview cycles. The electronic survey was approved for distribution on the division listserv by the SPP Board of Directors. Recruitment ran from the beginning to the middle of May 2021.