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CPPP Update: Ringing in a New Year
By Editor Jennifer VerrillSchurman, Ph.D.
General Call for Papers
As a new year begins, I want to encourage you to consider submitting a manuscript to CPPP. CPPP welcomes various types of submissions, such as: brief reports, case studies, qualitative analyses, quality improvement works, economic evaluation works, topical reviews, systematic reviews/meta-analyses, advances in training, and ethics topics, in addition to more traditional empirical clinical studies. We aim to reflect the breadth and richness of pediatric psychology in its diverse activities. Please visit www.apa.org/pubs/journals/cpp for up-to-date journal information, special issue calls, and submission guidelines. Our editorial staff (Beth McQuaid, Meghan Lines, Victoria Miller, and myself) are always available to answer your questions as you prepare your work for submission, as well.
Special Issues in the New Year
Our first issue of the year, due to be released in March, will be a coordinated Special Issue with the Journal of Pediatric Psychology on eHealth/mHealth with Guest Editors: Emily F. Law, Ph.D. and Stephen M. Schueller, Ph.D. Digital technologies that can be used to capture data, deliver behavioral interventions, and aid the development of insights into the connection between psychology and health are nearly ubiquitous. The goal of this special issue is to highlight the tremendous potential of digital technologies to impact the lives of children and families and disseminate research related to clinical applications of eHealth/mHealth technologies within pediatric populations. The papers provide examples of the iterative development of eHealth/mHealth technologies, pilot clinical trials testing feasibility and acceptability, and discuss special considerations related to privacy within adolescents and young adults.
We also have a special issue in the works for release in September on Advancing the Practice of Pediatric Psychology with Transgender Youth with Guest Editors: Diane Chen, PhD, Laura Edwards-Leeper, Ph.D., Terry Stancin, Ph.D., and Amy Tishelman, Ph.D. A growing number of transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) youth are presenting for medical and mental health care, and increasingly, pediatric psychologists are being called upon to serve as critical members of interdisciplinary care teams. Standards of care, based on the collective expertise of clinicians working with TGNC youth, are rapidly evolvingand outpacing outcomes research in this vulnerable population. The goal of this special issue is to highlight and disseminate knowledge related to clinical practice with this population and, ultimately, advance the practice of evidence-based care with TGNC youth.
Finally, we will be calling for papers related to Integrated Primary Care with Guest Editor Meghan McAuliffe Lines, Ph.D., this year, with a special issue on this topic planned for release in 2020. Be watching for more information in the coming months!
If you have an idea for a special section or issue topic, please reach out to me at jschurman@cmh.edu. We are always interested to hear from our readers on what they want to be seeing and reading in CPPP!
Updates from the Journal of Pediatric Psychology
By Editor-in-Chief Tonya Palermo, Ph.D.
Latest Issue
The first issue of the new year (Volume 44, Issue 1) is a special issue recognizing the contributions of Dr. Dennis Drotar to the field of pediatric adherence, guest edited by Avani Modi, Kevin Hommel, and Ahna Pai. It includes a wonderful set of 11 original articles, several of which are authored by Denny’s mentees and collaborators; two special commentaries from myself and Thomas Boat, that speak to Denny’s lasting impact on research, collaboration, and mentoring; and a terrific JPP Student Journal Club commentary by Jeannette Iskander (who is one of Denny’s former research coordinators). This is a truly special project that I am so pleased to see come to fruition as I know it would have made Denny very proud.
Open Calls for Papers
Please visit the following links for the latest Call for Submissions.
Historical Developments in Pediatric Psychology: Influence on Contemporary Research and Practice
Special Issue on Innovations in Pediatric Psychology Assessment
Special Issue on Addressing Health Disparities in Pediatric Psychology
Changes/Updates to Author Instructions
There are two policy changes for the journal:
- Single blinded review
- Mandatory trial registration for randomized controlled trials
Be sure to consult the Author Instructions prior to submission.
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Email for journal inquiries tonya.palermo@seattlechildrens.org