

On November 2 you will receive a personalized email from APA regarding the 2020 apportionment. Please complete this ballot when you receive it and please consider giving all 10 of your votes to Division 54. It is quick and easy to do.

Why do it? The apportionment ballot determines the number of representatives that each division has to the APA Council of Representatives (COR). COR is the policy making body of APA. Membership is determined by votes on this ballot, NOT by the size of the division. Because you gave votes to Division 54, we gained a second seat in 2019.  This is hugely important in terms of adding another voice for children, families, and health to COR. Terry Stancin and Anne Kazak are your COR reps.  However, we can  lose a seat if we don’t have the votes.

Please vote and think about giving all 10 of your votes to Division 54!