Division 54 – Fellow


Members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology are encouraged to consider becoming a candidate for Fellow of Division 54. Fellow status reflects recognition by colleagues and APA of extraordinary contributions to our discipline. Criteria for recognition as a Fellow include having a national impact on psychology, sustained contributions to pediatric psychology for more than five years, distinctive contributions to pediatric psychology that are recognized by others as excellent, and contributions whose impact extends beyond the immediate setting in which the candidate works. Areas of unusual and outstanding contributions include research, teaching, administration, professional service and practice. You must be an APA Member to apply.


The deadline for submission of all Initial and Current Fellow materials for the next cycle is December 15, 2022.

Members interested in applying for Fellow status through Division 54 should use the APA Fellows Online platform: https://www.apa.org/members/your-membership/fellows/apply

For more information, please visit the Division 54 Fellows page  or contact Ann M Davis, PhD, MPH, ABPP  at adavis6@kumc.edu.