Progress Notes - The Official Newsletter of Division 54
Current Issue: January 2021
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Summer 2018 (pdf)
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Spring 2006 (pdf)
(updated with each new issue. Older issues may be available from SPP Board)
By David Elkin, Ph.D., ABPP Last week, I had the opportunity to conduct an initial evaluation on a new patient here in our clinic, the Center for Advancement of Youth…
By Jennifer Pendley, Ph.D. As I transition into the Presidential role for 2020, I first want to thank our Past-President, David Elkins, Ph.D., ABBP. David has made this transition easy,…
Hello everyone! A little about me… For those of you who do not yet know me, I am an APA Fellow and Professor with tenure in the Department of Pediatrics…
I am pleased to announce the recipient of the 2021 Society of Pediatric Psychology Targeted Research Grant. This year we had 6 applications. The following proposal was selected for funding…
It is with great enthusiasm and honor that I accept the role as the new Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP) Student Representative working alongside leaders in the profession. I consider…
Greetings from the Sports Medicine/Orthopedics SIG! Since our inception in May 2019, our membership has grown to 24 pediatric psychologists and psychology trainees across 12 institutions. The Sports Medicine/Orthopedics SIG…
CPPP Update: Ringing in a New Year For those of you on SoMe, you will notice that we just dropped our first infographic to highlight a featured article from the December…
Board Certification by ABCCAP is intended to certify that the successful candidate has completed the educational, training and experience requirements of the specialty, including an examination designed to assess the…
Have you submitted your Division 54 proposal for APA 2021 yet? The deadline is coming! Tuesday, January 12, is your last chance to submit a division program proposal. If you’re…
New SPP Student Advisory Board Members for 2021 Sahar S. Eshtehardi University of Houston Research/Clinical Interests: Understanding the biopsychosocial mechanisms that influence adherence and health-related quality of life in…
Marion and Donald Routh Student Research Grant Winner: Caroline Roberts Institution: Oklahoma State University Title: Assessing the Contributions of Food Insecurity to Parent Food Allergy Management, Burden, and Risks…
As I transition out of my role as the Student Representative for Division 54, I write in appreciation of the experiences of the past two years. I have been grateful…
The novel virus COVID-19 disproportionately harms persons, including children, of color (Goyal et al., 2020; Shelton et al., 2020). This increased harm differentiates via the existing interpersonal, institutional, and structural/systemic…
Pediatric psychologists today may take children’s hospitals for granted, but for the most part the hospitals did not exist in large numbers or with a humane, family-centered, psychosocially supportive orientation…
Call for SPP (Division 54) Board of Director Nominations Nominations Due January 15. SPP is now accepting nominations for six positions on the 2022 Board of Directors. Elections are conducted…
On November 2 you will receive a personalized email from APA regarding the 2020 apportionment. Please complete this ballot when you receive it and please consider giving all 10 of…
Call for SPP (Division 54) Board of Director Nominations Nominations Due January 15. SPP is now accepting nominations for six positions on the 2022 Board of Directors. Elections are conducted…
New Division 54 Fellows Robyn Mehlenbeck, Ph.D. Robyn Mehlenbeck, Ph.D., is a Clinical Child and Adolescent board-certified psychologist who specializes in working with children with medical conditions, utilizing a…
CPPP Update: A Year of Challenges and Changes By Jennifer Verrill Schurman, Ph.D., CPPP Editor Since my last update in January 2020, we have experienced many challenges as a Society and a profession, which I…
By Christopher C. Cushing, Ph.D. vSPPAC 2021 Chair Emily F. Law, Ph.D. vSPPAC 2021 Co-Chair We enthusiastically invite you to submit your work to vSPPAC 2021 and to register quickly…
By Christopher Cushing, Ph.D. SPPAC 2021 Conference Chair and Emily Law, Ph.D. SPPAC 2021 Conference Co-Chair Members of SPP, There will be an annual conference in 2021! Details are still…
Once thought of as an “alternative” approach, techniques and practices such as meditation and mindfulness have been popularized in mainstream Western society. With the COVID-19 outbreak, meditation and mindfulness have…
The Society of Pediatric Psychology historically has valued mentoring the next generation of pediatric psychologists. Since 2004 the SPP Mentoring Project has been a member benefit with ongoing support from…
President Elect Laura Simons, Ph.D. Member-At-Large for Membership Eleanor Mackey, Ph.D.
Aligned with the Board of Directors, the SPP Student Advisory Board is committed to growth and improvement pertaining to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. This year we have outlined…
Anti-Racism Workgroup On June 23, we launched our Anti-Racism workgroup with over 120 SPP members participating. The goal of this workgroup is to bring SPP members together to address issues…
By Meghan Walls, Psy.D., Electronic Communications Editor and Idia Thurston, Ph.D., Member at Large, Student/Trainee Development The Society of Pediatric Psychology’s mission is to actively promote the health and psychological…
During the Board of Directors Winter meeting, and in subsequent meetings since, the vision and mission of the Society of Pediatric Psychology was updated to reflect our values and direction…
Dorothea M. Ross, Ph.D., was a leading founder of the Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP). Born in 1923, she passed away May 7, 2019. Dr. Ross served as the Secretary-Treasurer…
By Hadas Nahman-Averbuch, Ph.D. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center I am grateful to the Society of Pediatric Psychology who granted me the International Collaboration Award. I visited Dr. Abbie Jordan’s…
Andrea M. Garcia, M.A., Michael C. Roberts, Ph.D., ABPP, and Christina M. Amaro, Ph.D. In addition to a strong interest in pediatric chronic illnesses, many of the early editors of…
APA Scholar Awards support post-baccalaureate, graduate students, or interns to attend the APA annual convention. This year, funds may be used for travel to other meetings. We are excited to announce…
Carolyn S. Schroeder Award for Outstanding Clinical Practice The Carolyn S. Schroeder Award for Outstanding Clinical Practice was given to Rachael Coakley, Ph.D., ABPP. This award recognizes excellence, innovation and leadership in…
Please vote by submitting the ballot APA mailed to you for the following Division 54 2020 slate of candidates: President-Elect and Member-at-Large for Membership. Ballots are generally sent around mid-April.…
The SPPAC virtual conference was a huge success! Huge kudos to Jennifer Pendley for making the difficult decision to move virtual and pulling Wendy Ward in to guide the way.…
We had a productive and inspiring two-day Board of Directors meeting in Austin, Texas, this past January. Day 1 Consistent with SPP’s commitment to furthering diversity and inclusion efforts, much…
Perri Tutelman is a fifth-year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) under the mentorship of Dr. Christine Chambers. Tutelman is recognized as an outstanding student…
Wasserman Receives SPP’s Targeted Research Grant By Avani Modi, Ph.D. I am pleased to report that the Targeted Research Grant Committee of the Society of Pediatric Psychology will fund Dr.…
By Nicole Ruppe, B.S., Jeannette Iskander, M.A., Lila Pereira, Ph.D., and Siddika Mulchan, Ph.D. The Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Special Interest Group (SIG) was created in order to address…
Updating Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology Reviewers: Add 3 Keywords By Jennifer Schurman, Ph.D., CPPP Editor A new year means that it is time to update our masthead with new Editorial Board members…
Starting in 2020, access to both the Journal of Pediatric Psychology and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology will default to Electronic Access Only. All members automatically have full access to all current and…
The “Call for APA 2020 Convention Proposals” is live! The submission portal for Division Programming can be found here. The convention will be held August 6 – 9 in Washington, D.C. More information…
By Carolina Bejarano, MA SPP Student Representative Over the next few months, students and trainees may be preparing for interviews at various stages in their training trajectories. The Student Advisory…
It is with much excitement that I share updates on my two-week visit to collaborate with Dr. Liesbet Goubert at Ghent University in Belgium. We were delighted to receive the…
New SPP Student Advisory Board Members MaryJane Campbell / University of Utah Research Interests: Family functioning, caregiver burden in pediatric chronic illness, family-based interventions. Andrea Fidler / University of Florida…
Started in the summer of 2019, the Digital Health SIG is thrilled to be a part of the Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP). Digital health is a rapidly changing field…
Please remember to nominate your peer faculty and staff for the upcoming SPP awards of distinction! More about the Awards can be found here. Wright Ross Salk Award for Distinguished…
By Rachel Tunick APA’s Committee on Children, Youth and Families (CYF), comprised of six APA members elected for staggered three-year terms, works to identify and disseminate information concerning the psychological…
Kristoffer S. Berlin, Ph.D. Cynthia Harbeck-Weber, Ph.D., ABPP James Klosky, PhD, ABPP Call for Applications for Division 54 Fellows Members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology are encouraged…
We are excited to announce our Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference Speakers, Dr. Rahil Briggs, Dr. Jennifer Stinson, and Dr. Stephen Becker. We hope you’ll join us at SPPAC…
By Kimberly Canter, Ph.D. & Jason Boye, Ph.D. The 2020 APA Annual Convention will take place August 6-9 in Washington, D.C. The 2020 theme for Division 54 Programming is “Pediatric Psychology:…
Kelly Rea Graduate Student, University of Georgia Title: Healthcare Responsibilities and Transition Readiness in Adolescent Solid Organ Transplant Recipients Mallorie Gordon Post-doctoral Fellow, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Title: Social…
By Amy R. Beck, PhD, RYT 200 That family that “never implements recommendations,” the patient who “doesn’t seem motivated,” the eligible research participant who might take longer to consent because…
Recipient: Hadas Nahman-Averbuch, Ph.D.; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA Mentor: Abbie Jordan, Ph.D.; University of Bath, UK Recipient: Katrina M. Cordts, Ph.D., Oregon Health & Science University, USA Mentor:…
Manuela Sinisterra (right) with Idia Thurston, SPP Member at Large for Student/Trainee Development 2019 Diverse Scholar Award Winner: Manuela Sinisterra, Children’s National Honorable Mention: Alex Blair, Oklahoma State 2019…
SPP established the Pediatric Pain Special Interest Group (PPAIN-SIG) in 2011. It currently consists of 200 members. The PPAIN-SIG’s mission and goals include: Advance the knowledge base of pediatric pain,…
By Carolina Bejarano, M.A. Lately I have been impressed with the enthusiasm and passion students and trainees hold for the Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP) and their career trajectories in…
The 2020 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC) will be held on March 19-21 in Dallas, Texas. The theme for the 2020 conference is “Pushing the Boundaries: Trailblazing the…
CPPP Update: Impact Factor: To Apply or Not to Apply, That is the Question… By Editor Jennifer VerrillSchurman, Ph.D. To most of you reading this, the term “Impact Factor” or “IF” will…
A huge thank you to our wonderful SPPAC chair, Amy Holley, Ph.D., and co-chair, Jessica Fales, Ph.D. SPPAC 2019 in New Orleans was a great success, including the 50th Anniversary…
By Andrew Riley, Ph.D., and Allison Grennan, Ph.D., Incoming Co-Chairs There are exciting things happening in the IPC space! First, a great thanks to Drs. Cheyenne Hughes-Reid and Rachel Tunick…
By Christina Sharkey, M.S. A well-known problem in our field is the 17-year gap between research and implementation. Although the ultimate goal is to bring the knowledge facilitated by cutting-edge…
Risk and Resilience in Pediatric Psychology: Processes, Mechanisms, and Interventions By Amy Holley, Ph.D., Conference Chair and Jessica Fales, Ph.D., Conference Co-chair We invite you to attend the 2019 Society…
International Collaboration Award Screening for Psychosocial Risk Across Cultures: Risk Profiles Among American and Dutch Families of a Child with Cancer Dr. Martha Grootenhuis and I are grateful to have…
Finding Your Voice in Pediatric Psychology By: Perry A. Catlin, MS “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin…
Please vote by submitting the ballot APA mailed to you for the following Division 54 2019 slate of candidates: President-Elect, Treasurer, and APA Council Representative. Ballots are generally sent around…
Carolyn S. Schroeder Award for Outstanding Clinical Practice The Carolyn Schroeder Clinical Practice Award was given to Anna Egan, Ph.D., ABPP. This award recognizes excellence, innovation and leadership in the…
This year at SPPAC we will mark an important year for the Society of Pediatric Psychology – 50 years since we began in 1969! There will be a number of…
by Dawn Dore-Sites, Ph.D., and Lauren Daniel, Ph.D. Kelli Harford (Emory) initiated interest in the SIG and quickly recruited several SPP members including Dawn Dore-Stites (Michigan Medicine) as co-chair and…
By Carl U. Weitman Ph.D., Arthur Lavin, M.D., and Diane E. Lavin, M.S.Ed. Submitted for consideration to the SPP Newsletter, Jan. 3, 2019 Every year, millions of children in this…
2019 Targeted Research Grant Recipients The Society of Pediatric Psychology’s Targeted Research Grant Committee will fund two grant submissions: Claire Coyne, Ph.D., and Matthew Hocking, Ph.D. These proposals exemplify the…
CPPP Update: Ringing in a New Year By Editor Jennifer VerrillSchurman, Ph.D. General Call for Papers As a new year begins, I want to encourage you to consider submitting a…
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