Progress Notes - The Official Newsletter of Division 54
Current Issue: January 2021
Previous Issues:
Fall 2018 (pdf)
Summer 2018 (pdf)
Spring 2018 (pdf)
Fall 2017 (pdf)
Summer 2017 (pdf)
Spring 2017 (pdf)
Fall 2016 (pdf)
Summer 2016 (pdf)
Spring 2016 (pdf)
Fall 2015 (pdf)
Summer 2015 (pdf)
Spring 2015 (pdf)
Fall 2014 (pdf)
Summer 2014 (pdf)
Spring 2014 (pdf)
Fall 2013 (pdf)
Summer 2013 (pdf)
Spring 2013 (pdf)
Fall 2012 (pdf)
Summer 2012 (pdf)
Spring 2012 (pdf)
Fall 2011 (pdf)
Summer 2011 (pdf)
Spring 2011 (pdf)
Fall 2010 (pdf)
Summer 2010 (pdf)
Spring 2010 (pdf)
Fall 2009 (pdf)
Summer 2009 (pdf)
Spring 2009 (pdf)
Fall 2008 (pdf)
Summer 2008 (pdf)
Spring 2008 (pdf)
Fall 2007 (pdf)
Summer 2007 (pdf)
Spring 2007 (pdf)
Fall 2006 (pdf)
Summer 2006 (pdf)
Spring 2006 (pdf)
(updated with each new issue. Older issues may be available from SPP Board)
Members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology are encouraged to consider becoming a candidate for Fellow of Division 54 American Psychological Association. Fellow status reflects recognition by colleagues and…
The 1st session of the 118th Congress is winding down. With this comes another APA opportunity for federal advocacy, with a focus on asking Congress to fund programs that are…
Making the Case for Board Certification and Overcoming Barriers ABCCAP Updates from Dr. Adam Lewin Please join me in congratulating your colleagues who completed boarding May-Sept 2023: Sarah Sobalvarro Lillie…
Happy October, SPP members! In this month’s column, I am excited to give you an update on happenings throughout SPP. Board nominations: Board nominations are opening shortly for the following…
The Pediatric Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care SIG is delighted for the opportunity to highlight the amazing initiatives and work of our members to the broader group of SPP in…
Presidential Message Newly Elected Board Officers APA – SPP Highlights ABCCAP Updates Journal Updates On the Student Front: Gender Health SIG In Memoriam: Brian Stabler Student Spotlight: Mariela Monzalvo Highlight: Functional…
Earlier this summer, elections were held to determine who would fill our 2024 Board of Directors vacancies. Thank you to all of our nominees and to all of our members…
You belong here. The theme of the APA 2023 Annual Convention resonated over three enthralling days of learning, sharing, and advancements in the field of psychology. APA is a large…
Mariela Monzalvo (she/her/hers) is a third year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at the School of Professional Psychology at Wright State University at Dayton, Ohio under the advisement…
Coming Together: Creating a Space for Trainees to Process Gender Healthcare Bans By: Afiya Sajwani, MS, and Ben Parchem, PhD In recent months, a record number of bills have…
Happy August SPP members! I hope everyone has had a great summer. In this month’s column, I’m excited to give you an update on happenings within SPP, including a recap…
Brian Stabler, Ph.D. (1944-2022) SPP Officer and Contributor to Pediatric Psychology in Research in Children’s Chronic Illness and Professional Consultation By Michael C. Roberts, Ph.D., ABPP Society of Pediatric Psychology…
CPPP Editorial Column Updates from Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology – August 2023 Editor-in-Chief: Christina L. Duncan, PhD Summer has somehow flown by, and autumn colors and cool breezes will…
Making the Case for Board Certification and Overcoming Barriers ABCCAP Updates from Dr. Adam Lewin A common question: How do I pick a doctor? As a patient, where do I…
Student Spotlight: Taylor Dattilo Taylor Dattilo is a third-year Clinical Psychology Doctoral student at Oklahoma State University under the mentorship of Dr. Larry L. Mullins. Taylor is recognized as an outstanding…
We are excited to provide updates for the upcoming cycle of research awards and grants for student members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology! Below are the award descriptions for…
Student Advisory Board (SAB): Call for Applications The SPP Student Advisory Board (SAB) is now accepting applications for seven positions on the SAB. SAB members hold two-year terms, from January 2024 through December 2025, with a transition…
It is my great pleasure to share my experience as an awardee of the 2022 SPP International Collaboration Award, which allowed me to visit Dr. Rikard Wicksell in his laboratory…
Greetings to all of the wonderful members of SPP! Michelle Ernst and I are beyond excited to launch a new mental health affinity group for members who are navigating mental…
We are thrilled about the strong representation Division 54 will have at the APA 2023 Annual Convention! This year, we extend our SPPAC theme of Pediatric Psychologists as Social Justice…
Amy R. Beck, PhD, RYT 200 On June 15, the American Psychological Association hosted its first in-person Capitol Hill visit since 2020. More than 100 psychologists descended upon Washington,…
By Adam B. Lewin, PhD, ABPP (President, ABCCAP) Please congratulate the following Pediatric and Clinical Child Specialists who have been boarded in our specialty in 2023 (as of May 23,…
Happy June, SPP members! As we head into some warmer weather, I’m excited to give you updates on some great activities occurring within SPP and provide a follow-up on membership…
Presidential Update Welcome message from Melissa Santos, PhD READ MORE! SPP Programming at APA READ MORE ADVOCACY CORNER New! Updates from Amy Beck, PhD, APA Division Advocacy Partner…
Presidential Update Welcome message from Melissa Santos, PhD READ MORE! Highlights from SPPAC READ MORE ADVOCACY CORNER New! Updates from Amy Beck, PhD, APA Division Advocacy Partner Read…
Candidate Statements for Upcoming Division Offices Candidate: Jessica M. Valenzuela, PhD, ABPP Office: President-elect Candidate Statement: I am honored by this nomination to serve SPP, my professional home for over…
CPPP Editorial Column The Society of Pediatric Psychology extends their sincere appreciation to Dr. Jennifer Schurman for her dedication and service as Editor of Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology (CPPP)…
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, please join us in congratulating our 2023 Distinguished Award Winners: Wright Ross Salk Award for Distinguished…
Amy R. Beck, PhD, RYT 200 Many psychologists shy away from advocacy for similar reasons: “I don’t have enough time.” “I’m not aware of the issues.” “I don’t know…
Happy April, SPP members! SPPAC 2023: As I write this, I am still feeling the excitement from Chicago and our 2023 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference! It was unbelievable…
SPP Presidential Column – February 2024 Hello SPP, I am grateful to begin my term as president and am excited for what 2024 will bring. It is an honor to…
Presidential Update Welcome message from Melissa Santos, PhD READ MORE! Highlights from SPPAC READ MORE ADVOCACY CORNER New! Updates from Amy Beck, PhD, APA Division Advocacy Partner Read…
SPP Colleagues: This is the first Diversity Corner piece in Progress Notes. This offering is a way to regularly connect about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) topics as they…
As I transition out of my role as the Student Representative for Division 54, I write in appreciation of the experiences of the past two years. I have been grateful…
One avenue for sharing and exchanging information to promote the health and wellbeing of all children and families within Division 54 is through our SPP conferences and virtual programming. To…
The Consultation-Liaison Special Interest Group (C/L SIG) held its first official meeting at the 2011 National Conference of the Society of Pediatric Psychology in San Antonio, TX following a discussion…
We are very pleased to announce the winners of our 2023 Student Research Grants and Awards. These winners were selected out of a pool of impressive applicants. The future of…
By Adam B. Lewin, PhD, ABPP (President, ABCCAP) Those of you reading deep into Progress Notes care deeply about our field – you and I know our work requires highly…
Welcome to the inaugural Advocacy Corner of the Progress Notes! It is new, as my role as Division Advocacy Partner with APA is also new. Since 2018-2019, APA has made…
SPP Presidential Column – March 2023 Happy 2023 SPP members! I hope you have had a fantastic start to your year. I am beyond humbled to write my first presidential…
Pediatric Gastroenterology SIG (PG SIG) Co-Chairs: Bonney Reed, PhD, & Margo Szabo, PhD The Pediatric Gastroenterology (PG) SIG is committed to connecting its members with GI Psychology-related research, clinical, and…
Presidential Update Welcome message from Melissa Santos, PhD READ MORE! We hope to see you there! There is still time to register! Register Here! ADVOCACY CORNER New! Updates from…
Members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology are encouraged to consider becoming a candidate for Fellow of Division 54. Fellow status reflects recognition by colleagues and APA of extraordinary…
To highlight the importance of diversity in pediatric psychology research and clinical care, the Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54) has established a $5,000 research grant available to members…
SPPAC 2023 – Call for posters, workshops, scientific symposia, and professional development seminars! Deadline approaching: October 17, 2022 SPPAC 2023 conference theme: Pediatric Psychologists as Social Justice Change Agents…
SPP supported two APA Scholars at the 2022 Convention APA Scholars were paired with mentors to help optimize their conference experience. Erin Kaseda from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and…
We were thrilled to see many of you in Minneapolis in August for the APA convention! The theme for Division 54 programming was Shining the Spotlight on Pediatric…
Greetings Society of Pediatric Psychology! Well in a blink of an eye Fall is now upon us. It has been almost two months since many of us traveled to Minneapolis…
President’s Message Laura Simons, PhD APA Final Review Is your institution interested in sponsoring activities at SPPAC 2023 in Chicago? Email for more info! APA Convention Student…
The 2021-2022 Pediatric Psychology Virtual Application Cycle: Trainee Preferences, Outcomes, & Future Directions Read Full Article Here! Sahar. S. Eshtehardi, M.S.1, Andrea L. Fidler, Ph.D.2, Kelly E. Rea,…
Meet the Student Advisory Board Episode 2: Meet the SAB! We hope the episode helps potential applicants clarify which role they might be interested in, and to encourage…
Society of Pediatric Psychology Student Advisory Board The SPP Student Advisory Board (SAB) is now accepting applications for five SAB member positions and one Student Representative position. SAB members hold…
International Collaboration Award Progress Update: with Dr. Christine Chambers and Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) By: Melissa Pielech, PhD Assistant Professor, of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Center for…
APA 2022 is three full days packed with more than 900 in-person sessions, numerous social and networking events, and two virtual livestream channels. For SPP programming schedule, click here: APA…
UPDATE YOUR PROFILE! As a Society, we are committed to representation and inclusion across our multiple intersecting identities. One important way that we do this is to collect demographic…
SPPAC 2022 Conference Highlights SPPAC 2022 in Phoenix was a huge success! After 2 years of virtual conferencing, connecting in-person with our colleagues and friends left members feeling rejuvenated…
May 26, 2022 Dear SPP colleagues, Over the past few weeks we have seen the incredible strength, solidarity, and compassion of our colleagues. We have seen how we can support…
You can now register for the APA Conference 2022 Read the letter from Co-Chairs: Melanie Noel, PhD & Thomaseo Burton, PhD PROGRAM TITLES (Schedule at a Glance) Adaptation of Family-Based Treatment…
NEWSLETTER OF THE SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC PSYCHOLOGY 2022, VOLUME 46, ISSUE 3 APA Convention 2022 – Minneapolis & Virtual Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2022 Highlights “It is…
Newsletter of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, APA Division 54 -2021 Volume 46, Issue 4 International Collaboration Award Progress Update: with Dr. Christine Chambers and Solutions for Kids in Pain…
This spring, look for the email ballot to vote for the following Division 54 2023 slate of candidates: President-Elect, Member at Large–Student/Trainee Development, Member at Large–Diversity, Secretary, and the APA…
UPDATE YOUR PROFILE! As a Society, we are committed to representation and inclusion across our multiple intersecting identities. One important way that we do this is to collect demographic data…
ON THE STUDENT FRONT: CASIE MORGAN Casie Morgan is a fourth year graduate student in the Medical/Clinical Psychology doctoral program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham under the…
BRAVEMAKERS “Bravemakers,” the social justice affinity group is co-lead by Drs. Elizabeth Getzoff and Amy Beck. All who have interest in advocacy, becoming brave, and creating change at…
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, please join us in congratulating our 2022 Distinguished Award Winners: Wright Ross Salk Award for Distinguished…
Philip W. Davidson, Ph.D. (1941-2022) SPP Officer and Outstanding Clinical Researcher in Developmental Disorders, Neurotoxicology, and Science-Practice Implementation By Michael C. Roberts, Ph.D., ABPP Philip W. Davidson, Ph.D. was…
Greetings Society of Pediatric Psychology! Returning from SPPAC in Phoenix, Arizona I feel energized and inspired. It has been a long 3 years since we last gathered and with…
I am pleased to announce the recipient of the 2022 Society of Pediatric Psychology Targeted Research Grant. This year we had 7 applications. The following proposal was selected for funding…
The Student Advisory Board is excited to offer a Student Mentorship Event at SPPAC 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona on Friday, April 8 from 11:30-12:30 (MST)! This event aims to be…
Updates from the Journal of Pediatric Psychology Editor-in-Chief Tonya Palermo, Ph.D. and Editor-Elect Avani Modi, Ph.D. February 2022 We hope everyone is staying safe and warm during this ongoing pandemic…
Greetings Society of Pediatric Psychology! I want to begin by thanking our Past-President, Wendy Ward for her tremendous leadership and unending positivity as we rounded out a challenging 2021. Wendy…
The New Caregiver Wellbeing SIG Authors: Dana Bakula, PhD & Chrissy Salley, PhD In April of 2021, a group of 21 members of the Society of Pediatric Psychology met via…
Updates from the Journal of Pediatric Psychology Editor-in-Chief, Tonya Palermo, PhD July 2021 Happy summer! The journal has been busy over this first half of the year. In addition to the routine business of…
In Memoriam: Significant Contributor to Pediatric Psychology in Child Maltreatment Issues: William N. Friedrich, PhD, ABPP (1951-2005) By Sarah T. Trane, PhD, ABPP, and Michael C. Roberts, PhD, ABPP William (Bill) N. Friedrich, PhD, ABPP…
Jerome Kagan: Conceptual Contributor to Pediatric Psychology By Michael C Roberts Jerome Kagan, PhD, has been cited as a conceptual contributor to the early development of the notions of pediatric psychology…
The 2020-2021 Pediatric Psychology Virtual Application Cycle: Trainee Preferences, Outcomes, & Future Directions Author(s): Sahar. S. Eshtehardi, M.S., Andrea L. Fidler, M.S., M.P.H., Kelly E. Rea, M.S., Clarissa Shields, M.A., MaryJane S.…
Our SIG has also been working on many initiatives to support our mission of providing assessment and treatment resources related to pediatric diabetes, increasing collaborative opportunities among clinicians and researchers, promoting integrated team approaches to the medical management of youth with diabetes and…
Idia Thurston, PhD I am thrilled to announce this year’s winners of the APA Scholar’s Award. This award covers registration fees for the 2021 APA annual conference and pairs winners…
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) SPP has launched a new membership database and website. In the new database, you can: Update your contact information and demographic details View your…
Author: Jason Boye, PhD You can now register for the APA Conference 2021. Please check out all the great Society of Pediatric Psychology presentations accepted to APA! Support your colleagues…
Congratulations to the following members on their election to the Society of Pediatric Psychology Board! President Melissa Santos, PhD Member at Large, Student/Trainee Development Megan Cohen, PhD …
SPP Board of Directors SPP is now accepting nominations for two positions on the 2021 Board of Directors. Elections are conducted by APA and will be held in the spring…
The Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP) celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019. The Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC) in New Orleans in April 2019 featured several activities to…
I’ve sat down to write this message numerous times and each time, I become overwhelmed as there is so much to say, I don’t know where to start. I continue…
It’s hard to believe that 2020 is coming to a close. What a year it has been! This year has certainly not been the year I expected to have as…
In Case You Missed It Call for Nominations: Editor-elect of Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology The Society of Pediatric Psychology (SPP), Division 54 of the American Psychological Association, is seeking…
Student Spotlight: Kristine Durkin Kristine Durkin is a fifth-year graduate student in the clinical psychology doctoral program at West Virginia University under the mentorship of Christina Duncan, PhD. Durkin is…
One year later: Reflections on clinical training during the COVID-19 pandemic Roughly one year ago, psychology trainees across the United States began experiencing disruptions in their training as a result…
Refugee Family Project I am a 5th-year doctoral candidate in the Clinical Child Psychology Program at the University of Kansas and the 2019 SPP Diversity Grant recipient for my dissertation…
We had a productive and inspiring two-day virtual Board of Directors meeting this past January. Much of the meeting was dedicated to strategic planning, building on the work that was…
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, please join us in congratulating our 2021 Distinguished Award Winners: Wright Ross Salk Award for Distinguished…
This spring, look for the email ballot to vote for the following Division 54 2021 slate of candidates: President-Elect, Member at Large–Student/Trainee Development, Member at Large–Diversity, Secretary, and the APA…
Happy 2019 to all of you in SPP. I cannot begin to write without thanking our Past-President, Ann Davis, whose steady wisdom and sunny disposition made for the perfect combination…
The 2019 APA Annual Convention will take place August 8-11 in Chicago. The theme for this year’s Division 54 programming is “Pediatric Psychology: Recognizing the Scope and Impact of our…
It is with great pleasure that we announce the new officers for 2020: President Elect Wendy Ward Treasurer Robin Everhart Member at Large, Continuing Education Chad Jensen …
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